
VIP Gold live chat - Post-Bruen explosion in 2A legal challenges - Replay Available

It’s my first day back after a long holiday weekend, and I’m looking forward to catching up on all of the big stories at 1:30 pm ET with HotAir’s Ed Morrissey and our VIP Gold members! We’ll be taking questions and comments and giving an in-depth analysis of the top topics of the day, including:

  • The latest on the investigation into the Highland Park shooting
  • Democrats bet the midterms on abortion
  • The post-Bruen legal reckoning set to play out in courtrooms across the country
  • How low can Biden’s approval rating go?
  • Whatever’s on your mind!

For those of you who can’t join us live, the VIP Gold live chat will be available as a replay shortly after we wrap up. It’s always a great conversation, and I hope you’ll be able to take part this afternoon!
