
Pelosi's gun grab, Missouri and Arizona primary results, and more - VIP Gold live chat - Replay Available

Join HotAir’s Ed Morrissey and myself, along with our VIP Gold members, at 1:30 ET this afternoon for our weekly live chat touching on the top stories of the day and week, old movies, new guns, and anything else on the mind of our participants. I can’t predict with certainty every topic we’ll touch on today, but I have a sneaking suspicion that most of the these will be fodder for debate and discussion.

  • House Democrats (and two Republicans) passing a ban on so-called “assault weapons”
  • Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan and it’s potential ramifications
  • Is the “red wave” starting to crest?
  • The Senate seats Republicans could throw away, as well as a look at last night’s primary winners and losers
  • whatever you want to talk about!

If you can’t join us as the chat is taking place, you can still watch on demand shortly after we wrap up around 2:30 ET. The more the merrier, though, and I hope you’ll be able to break away from work or play and join us for what is always my favorite hour of the work week!
