We’re taking today to be with family here at Bearing Arms, but from all of us to you and yours, here’s hoping that today is a very merry Christmas full of family, holiday cheer, and good memories to be recalled years from now.
We’ll be back on a limited posting schedule tomorrow, and there’s plenty of news to keep an eye on in the week ahead, including:
- SCOTUS and New York’s carry restrictions
- New Jersey’s carry killer legislation and the potential for an injunction
- the gun ban bills popping up in state legislature’s around the country
- the coming fight over permitless carry legislation in Florida and Nebraska
We’ll also be taking a look back at a momentous year for Second Amendment advocates and gun owners and previewing some of the legislative and legal battles to come in the new year, so be sure to check back frequently for the latest 2A news and information all week long. Until then, enjoy your Christmas and thanks very much for being a part of the family here at Bearing Arms!
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