
UAPs, ATF, and a Biden plea deal - VIP Gold live chat - Replay Available

HotAir’s Ed Morrissey is on vacation this week, but Bearing Arms contributor, Second Amendment supporter, and all around great guy Ryan Petty is going to join me and our VIP Gold members at 1:30 ET this afternoon for a live chat touching on the top stories of the day and week, as well as anything else on the mind of our participants. I can’t predict with certainty every topic we’ll touch on today, but I have a sneaking suspicion that most of the these will be fodder for debate and discussion.

  • The House hearing on UAP’s and technology from “non human intelligence”
  • The Fifth Circuit sends another strong message rebuking the ATF’s abuse of authority
  • Waiting on “St. Benitez” to deliver Californians from the state’s anti-2A evils
  • Massachusetts Democrats scrambling to shore up support for nightmare gun control bill
  • whatever you want to talk about!

If you can’t join us as the chat is taking place, you can still watch on demand shortly after we wrap up around 2:30 ET. The more the merrier, though, and I hope you’ll be able to break away from work or play and join us for what is always my favorite hour of the work week!
