
Trump indictment and SCOTUS excitement - VIP Gold live chat - Replay Availabley

Hot Air’s Ed Morrissey is off this week, so I’ll be captaining today’s VIP Gold live chat by myself with our fabulous VIP Gold members helping to navigate our way through the week’s big stories.There’s a lot to talk about once the discussion kicks off right here at 1:30 ET, including:

  • Donald Trump indicted a third time
  • the latest on the ATF’s frame and receiver rule and SCOTUS
  • NYC anti-violence activist arrested on guns and drugs charges
  • Is Bruen really causing “chaos” in the courts, or are activist judges?
  • whatever’s on your mind!

If you can’t join us live the conversation is always available on demand shortly after we wrap up, but I hope you’ll be able to be a part of the conversation as it happens. I’m really looking forward to hearing y’all’s take on the top news of the day and whatever else pops up as a topic of conversation!
