It is with great respect, admiration and deep understanding that I write this letter to honor each and every Veteran that has served or is serving our blessed Country! I understand and appreciate all who have given so much for me, so that I could enjoy my daily freedoms.
I was able to sleep well in the safety of my bed last night, because you served.
I was able to pray before my meal this morning in a public place without fearing arrest, because you gave.
I am able to freely speak my mind and voice my opinion without fear of retaliation against me or my family, because you cared.
I am able to stand up for what I believe in and not have a Dictators thoughts and opinions forced down my throat, because you stood up to the call to defend.
I am free to worship the one true God who created me in His image, because you were selfless in your actions.
To each one of you I speak from the bottom of my heart when I say Thank you, thank you, thank you! You are my heroes and I want to remember and honor you this Veterans Day. Not a single day goes by that I don’t think of the sacrifices you and your families have given!
My son Marc Alan Lee was laid to rest on Aug 2nd 2006. I also remember him today as I do every day and the sacrifice he made. Thank you son! His headstone says “Loved deeply, Deeply loved.” The love doesn’t go any deeper than that! He loved deeply! He loved his brothe,rs he served with, he loved me, he loved his family, he loved this nation, he loved his freedoms, he loved God, and he gave.
He gave it all! “Greater love has no one than this, that he laid down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13) That’s what a hero does. They are willing to give their lives for others if it’s required.
I also think of my son Kris who served in the Marines, my son-in-law Christopher who served in the Army, my brother Jim who is serving in the Air Force and all of my “adopted Boys” who serve as Navy SEALs! Thank you!
Each one of you have deeply loved this country and were willing to give your life if required for this country. Thank you!
Many of you have given your blood, and been wounded for this country. Thank you!
Many of you have friends, family and brothers at arms who paid the ultimate sacrifice just like my son Marc! Thank you! We will never forget our fallen heroes or their families.
I have traveled around this country, to Iraq and Gitmo speaking out in support of you, thanking and honoring you “Our defenders of freedom.” I have been blessed to meet many of you and your families, and have been so deeply touched by your stories and your sacrificial service to this nation. I don’t take for granted our freedom which isn’t free, it comes at a cost and you willingly paid that for me. So please remember this Veterans Day that I am your biggest fan and that you are deeply appreciated and loved.
There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you and your families and I know I’m not alone. There is a grateful nation who also honors and remembers your sacrifice and knows that our country is what it is today because you selflessly gave.
I know the price of freedom and I understand the sacrifices that you have given. You have done that for me, and for this nation. You didn’t do that for rewards or medals or recognition.
Please join me today as a grateful nation chooses to collectively remember, thank and celebrate our Vets, who they are and what they have selflessly given. I choose to do that every day because they are my heroes and I am so grateful!
Happy Veterans Day and God bless each one of you!
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