Texas Teachers Will Soon Be Able to Bring Their Guns to School...But There Are Limits

Teachers in Texas may be bringing more than their class syllabus and a box of red pens to the first day of school this year. Starting September 1st, faculty and staff will be permitted to bring their firearms onto school property…but only so far.


Earlier this year, the Texas legislature passed Senate Bill 1942, which allows school employees in the Lone Start State to transport or store a firearm in their (locked) privately-owned or leased vehicle in the parking lot of a school.

The employee must have a license to carry, and the firearm cannot be in plain view.

El Paso Independent School District Superintendent Juan Cabrera tells KFox 14 that his district is working with the School Board to establish new policies in response to the law. Other districts will likely follow suit.

Cabrera did not specify what these new policies might look like. However, since parents – and other Texas residents with a carry permit – can already store firearms in their cars when dropping off or picking up students from school, the changes shouldn’t be too extensive.

Now if only Texas would allow these teachers to carry inside the school building.

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