Alabama Senate Candidate Whips Out Gun During Campaign Rally

In a rather bold move, Republican Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore decided to whip out his handgun during a campaign rally on Monday in an apparent last ditch effort to sway voters to his side.


Moore said he wanted to prove to Alabamans that he supports the Second Amendment after a series of ads claimed otherwise.

“It’s been very hard for my wife and myself to wither two, nearly three months of negative ads that we couldn’t answer with money because we didn’t have it. Ads that were completely false. That I don’t believe in the Second Amendment,” Moore explained during the rally.

“I believe in the Second Amendment,” he concluded while pulling out a small firearm from his pocket.

The audience erupted in cheers and applause.

“You know, they say that guns are bad, that they kill,” Moore went on. “Well I know a lot about guns. I’m the one that had used guns in combat. I know what guns do.”

Moore is running against incumbent Sen. Luther Strange, who is currently being backed by President Trump. The winner will go up against the Democratic nominee, U.S. attorney Doug Jones, for Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ Senate seat in the December 12th general election.

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