Ex-Wife Reveals the Horror of Being Married to Texas Shooter

A little over a week later, and we’re still learning more about the gunman who opened fire on a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, killing 26 innocent people and wounding over a dozen more.


The killer was a convicted domestic abuser who assaulted both his wife and child – and now we know the extent of that abuse.

In an exclusive interview with Inside Edition, Tessa Brennaman, the shooter’s first wife, reveals how much she suffered while the two were married.

“He would choke me, punch me, kick me,” she recounts. “There would be times where I was on the floor curled up and I would have to protect my organs because he would be violently kicking me.”

Of course, Brennaman says he was kind at first. Funny, even.

“He would pay for my food if we went somewhere. He would zinc the car, make fun of songs, stuff like that,” she tells Inside Edition. But it didn’t last.

He beat and sexually assault her, forcing her to do things against her will.

He repeatedly threatened her against telling anyone, vowing to kill her and her family.

“He’s like, ‘I could just bury you somewhere in the desert and no one would ever find you,’” she remembers.


In one case, Brennaman says even he put a gun to her head while they were driving along a deserted road.

“He had a gun in his holster right here and he took that gun out, and he put it to my template and he told me, ‘Do you want to die? Do you want to die?’” she recounts. He then reportedly pointed the gun at himself and admitted to fracturing her son’s skull.

Brennaman divorced her abusive husband in 2012. Little did she know he would go on to murder 26 innocent people, including multiple children.

When she heard the news, Brennaman said she felt such abhorrence.

“I just was crying so hard, I couldn’t even breathe. I felt so disgusted,” she tells Inside Edition. “I never suspected he would be killing random people.”

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