Bloomberg Bans Large Sodas in His City, Pushes Gun Control in Another

Congratulations, New Yorkers.  Your historically-indispensable (or whatever) Nanny Mayor’s crusade to end the scourge of large sugary drinks is on the precipice of full implementation:


Nanny Bloomberg unleashes his ban on large sodas on March 12 — and there are some nasty surprises lurking for hardworking families. Say goodbye to that 2-liter bottle of Coke with your pizza delivery, pitchers of soft drinks at your kid’s birthday party and some bottle-service mixers at your favorite nightclub. They’d violate Mayor Bloomberg’s new rules, which prohibit eateries from serving or selling sugary drinks in containers larger than 16 ounces. The city Health Department last week began sending brochures to businesses that would be affected by the latest ban, including restaurants, bars and any “food service” establishment subject to letter grades. And merchants were shocked to see the broad sweep of the new rules.  

You should be on your knees thanking this exceptional visionary, you clueless ingrates.  Lucky for you, Bloomberg’s micro-management of your lives and banning of your choices won’t be limited to beverages if Hizzoner has his way.  Up next: Styrofoam and certain pain-killers.  No worries, he’s not trying to “force anybody to do anything;” he’s just “forcing you to understand.”  As he prepares to strike a blow against Dr. Pepper, Bloomberg is also funneling money into Chicago to influence a Democratic primary election.  His goal?  To deny a pro-Second Amendment Democrat her party’s nomination, in favor of a sufficiently enlightened gun grabber:


Chicago is also where the billionaire mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, is flexing the muscle of his gun control superPAC by spending, as of late Friday, $2.2 million on the race. For those keeping score, that’s four times what the top five candidates’ campaigns have spent — combined. Most of that money has gone to attack former Rep. Debbie Halvorson, with the rest building up Robin Kelly, the former administrator of Cook County and a former state representative. Because Halvorson is the only white candidate in the primary, originally facing nearly two dozen African-Americans, there was a reasonable chance she would win a slim plurality with the black vote splintering so many different ways. In fact, polls early on showed her leading — but that was before Bloomberg’s Independence USA PAC unleashed a pair of TV ads and a series of mailers against her and her positions on guns. Now, days ahead of the vote, Kelly appears to be in the lead, with a pair of other top contenders having dropped out. Bloomberg has been quite open about his desire to push stronger gun laws in the country, particularly after the December elementary school massacre in Newtown. Asked this week about involving himself in the Illinois race, he answered: “I’m part of the public and I happen to have some money. That’s what I am trying to do with my money — trying to get us some sensible gun laws.” Bloomberg is worth some $22 billion.


Aren’t liberals are famously concerned about the ability of billionaires to “buy” elections, and the influence of money in our political process?  I’m sure their gales of protest against Bloomberg’s deep-pocketed interventions on behalf of a cause they support will commence any minute now.  If that bolded quote above originated from, say, David Koch, it would be the subject of at least a dozen thumb-sucking columns this week.  But it’s not, so it won’t be.  Remember, liberals despise the influence of money in our elections unless the cash is flowing in the correct direction.

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