Moms Demand Action Inadvertently Prove Gun Control Doesn't Work

"Did I do that?"

Whoopsie!! Yesterday, the anti-gun group Moms Demand Action jumped at the chance to politicize the terrorist attacks in Paris, likening them to gun violence in America.


But that’s not all they’ve tweeted.

Earlier today, they shared a link to enlighten everyone on how guns get into Paris:
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The article from The Daily Beast says despite France’s strict gun laws, guns still flow through Europe and into the country:

France outlaws most gun ownership and it’s almost impossible to legally acquire a high-powered rifle such as an AK-47, so where did the weapons in the Nov. 13 terror attack—not to mention the bloody January assault by Islamic terrorists on the Paris office of Charlie Hebdo magazine and the 2012 shootings by a militant in Toulouse—come from?

The answer: Eastern Europe, most likely, where the trafficking of deadly small arms is big, shady business. And where local authorities find it difficult to intervene.

The French government and the European Union know they have a foreign gun problem. But as the chain of attacks illustrates, efforts to tamp down on the flow of weapons have, so far, failed to disarm terrorists.

Sorry kids, but Moms Demand just showed us all exactly how gun control does not stop bad guys from getting guns.

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