California Gov. Jerry Brown Wants to Build a Wall, Too

“If Trump were ever elected, we’d have to build a wall around California to defend ourselves from the rest of this country,” he said at a dinner held in Sacramento by the California Labor Federation and State Building and Construction Trades Council of California, according to the Sacramento Bee. “By the way that is a joke,” he added. “We don’t like walls, we like bridges.”


Brown was speaking at a dinner in Sacramento for the California Labor Federation and State Building and Construction Trades Council of California when he brought up Trump’s idea of building a wall to stop the influx of illegals crossing into America. Calling it “absolutely preposterous”, Brown said, “It would create such tension with our closest neighbor that, probably, a dumber idea I can’t imagine.”

Brown went on in his speech to discuss how California benefits from immigrations. Apparently unaware that he is one, the Governor went on to call elderly caucasians stupid, saying “Some of these old white guys ought to recognize that the whole pension system would collapse if we didn’t have a bunch of young people coming into this country and into this state. They’re not all coming from here. They’re coming from other places.”


The state of California has 10 million immigrants. Brown is notorious for approving measures to improve the lives of immigrants coming into his state, including granting driver’s licenses to undocumented immigrants and extending public financial aid to undocumented college students.

One thing is for sure, if Trump wins, the construction industry should prepare for a yuge spike in business. YUGE.

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