Store Clerk Shoots at Fleeing Armed Robber

A family store in Buda, Texas was the target of an armed robbery on Tuesday of last week. What the idiot didn’t realize is that in Texas, they are armed and ready to defend themselves.


Shortly after 5:30, a young man walked into the Rosales Store, pointed a gun at the clerk and demanded she turn over all the money. Unimpressed with the stick up, the clerk complied, then grabbed a gun kept at the store for self defense. The Hays County Sheriff’s Office says the woman got off a few rounds at the suspect as he fled the store.

“I can see that a lot of Austin is moving this way. There’s a lot of traffic and everything. A lot of people moving this way. I can see it happening. But I’m surprised he pulled out a gun,” said neighbor Jennifer Rodriguez.

No one was injured in the incident and the police are still looking for the suspect. A $1,000 reward has been offered for information that leads to the armed robber’s arrest.

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