Fresh Market Grocery Stores Go Gun-Free

Well, the barking gun control harpies are limiting more retailers for us gun owners.

After Moms Demand Action gathered nearly 4,000 signatures across North Carolina calling for a “gun sense policy”, Market Fresh sat down with the group and ultimately, caved to their demands.


“We respectfully request that our customers refrain from bringing firearms and other weapons into our stores,” a spokeswoman for the Greensboro-based grocer said.

Now, they’re asking customers leave their guns at home and out of their grocery stores to “to ensure a welcoming environment where our customers and employees feel safe, and treat one another with kindness and respect while shopping and working,” or so it says in their new policy.
“This was not a decision that was taken lightly nor in response to pressure from any outside group,” the spokeswoman said. “After examining the issue from many different angles, we feel that this is a balanced policy that is in keeping with our brand and our desire to maintain a safe, comfortable and welcoming atmosphere in our stores, while still respecting the rights of all our customers.”
After harping at Starbucks, Target, Chipotle, Sonic, Chili’s and Jack in the Box to change their gun policies, Moms Demand Action is now demanding asking Harris Teeter to go gun-free.
If you have a Market Fresh store on your weekly errands list, you can contact their corporate office to let them know you will not be shopping in their stores now that they’re gun free at 866-817-4367 or via email here.

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