Check Out This Minnesota Gas Station's Discount Program

Typically, gas stations are a hotbed of sketchy characters and a major focal point of concealed carry and self defense instructors nationwide.

But one gas station in the Land of 10,000 Lakes is drowning out their competition in safety with a unique discount offer for their customers.


The Shell gas station on Benton Dr. in Sauk Rapids, MN is offering a .10/gal discount for all evening customers who legally carry. A sign posted on their front door earlier this week reads:

for “law enforcement”
or people with proof of “permit to carry”
10 cents per gallon

Owner Frank Schwagel, whose store has been robbed two times in the past three months, said he started the promotion hoping to increase foot traffic in his store during evening hours.

“Just trying to bring it to people’s attention that there’s been some robberies going on around town. And, these guys are coming in with guns and knives and threatening our employees. It’s pretty disconcerting. I just figured anything I can do to draw attention to the problem.

We’ve had to spend a lot of extra money on security, to try to keep an eye on the store during all hours of the day. I’m also paying people to keep an eye on the store independently. We’re just hoping these guys get caught.”

Schwagel said despite a post of the sign going viral on Facebook, the feedback from the discount program has been overwhelmingly positive.

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