GUNVOTE: Social Media War on Gun Rights Needs Your Help!

As Bob covered yesterday, the looming social media war on gun rights is upon us.

The democrats are moving forward with their planned social media campaign for gun control at 12:30 PM ET today.


Anyone with a Twitter account and the desire to fight back against their ignorant gun control narrative is hereby called to battle!


Question for Dems: Which proposed bill would have stopped any of the recent shootings? We’ll wait. #2A #GunVote

Even Sen. @ChrisMurphyCT gets that none of these bills address any of the recent shootings [insert video] #GunVote

2016: The year Democrats in Congress decided civil liberties weren’t worth protecting anymore #2A #GunVote

American people want Congress to #DoYourJob. Protect our Constitutional rights. #GunVote

#WednesdayWisdom: The #2A is not an option. #GunVote

If #guncontrol saved lives, #Chicago would be the safest city in America #GunVote

#Fact: When number of right-to-carry states increased from 15 to 42 after 1991, violent crime rate was cut in half. #GunVote

#Fact: Less than 1% of prison inmates got their firearms from gun shows #GunVote


Fact is, Congressional Democrats are more interested in playing politics than addressing real solutions to keep Americans safe. #GunVote

Today, once again, the safety of the American people is taking a backseat to political theatre. #GunVote

#WednesdayWisdom: Per the Constitution, no person  shall be “deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law ….” #GunVote

Sens @JohnCornyn & @ChuckGrassley have bills that would have protected the #2A AND #dueprocess, but it wasn’t good enough for Dems? #GunVote

The #NRA has been calling for meaningful mental health reform for decades, and supports such a bill from Sen @JohnCornyn #GunVote



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