NRA and NSSF Thank Voters For Standing up Against Clinton at the Polls


After a long and arduous battle, we awoke this morning to discover that our American spirit and it’s enduring commitment to upholding our Constitution is stronger than ever.


Many voters were stunned to witness how impotent Hillary Clinton, along with her campaign and obedient media lapdogs, was at convincing the American people to put her and the Clinton family back into the White House.

Her campaign strategy, intended to engage voters, only served to enrage America. As Hillary continued building her platform on the bedrock of gun control, her efforts were simply fanning the flames of a fire that eventually incinerated her campaign’s foundation and support.

When she vowed to “take on the gun lobby”, she awoke the giant. The National Rifle Association and National Shooting Sports Foundation swiftly mounted efforts to rally gun owners and Second Amendment supporters, encouraging voters to show up at the polls and cast their votes to crush Mrs. Clinton’s bid for the White House.

Yesterday, the fiercely loyal members and friends of the NRA combined with the faithful members of the NSSF rose up to answer their call, turning out in droves to deliver a clear, unified message to Hillary Clinton and any candidate who dare stand on a platform of restricting our Constitutional rights: We will not stand quietly by and allow you to infringe on our right to keep and bear arms.

From the NRA:

The executive director of the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA), Chris W. Cox, released the following statement on President-elect Donald J. Trump’s victory:


“On behalf of the National Rifle Association’s (NRA) five million members and tens of millions of Second Amendment supporters, the NRA congratulates President-elect Trump on his hard fought victory.

“Voters sent a loud and clear message that our gun rights are not for sale. Despite the unprecedented efforts by New York City billionaire Michael Bloomberg and the gun control lobby, the Second Amendment prevailed. In the face of threats against their constitutional freedoms, NRA members and Second Amendment supporters rallied to elect a pro-gun  president. Trump’s victory repudiates the assertion by gun control advocates that the political calculus regarding the Second Amendment has changed.

“A special thank-you to NRA members and supporters who made the difference in this important election.  Freedom scored another victory because of your efforts.”

From the NSSF:

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), the trade association for the firearms and ammunition industry, today congratulates President-Elect Donald Trump on his historic victory.
The American people have spoken. We have elected a president who has pledged to protect our Constitutional rights and a majority of both houses of Congress that will work to ensure that our individual right to keep and bear arms will be preserved.

The work of those who love liberty and our nation’s hunting and shooting traditions is never over.  Americans need to remain involved to help ensure that the defense of our Second Amendment remains strong and the lawful commerce in firearms is protected at all levels of government.


We thank all those Americans who supported NSSF’s 2016 #GUNVOTE voter education and registration initiative. We know that we can count on you.  You should know that we remain steadfast in our mission to help promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports.


From Bearing Arms:

I’m sure I speak for Bob, who I hope is taking a much-deserved nap, when I say how extremely grateful and proud I am of all our readers for their engagement and enthusiasm during this tumultuous election season. Whether it was sharing informative articles or reposting a meme, engaging in a spirited and respectful discussion on the issues or simply clicking LIKE on a post, we appreciate how much our readers and fans utilize our content and expand our message.

We sincerely thank each and every one of you who not only supported our efforts to educate and energize voters, but who also allowed that momentum to drive you into a polling station yesterday to pull the lever in favor of the Second Amendment.

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