California Insider Says an "All-Out Semi-Auto Long Rifle Ban" is Coming

Recently, Gun Owners of California’s (GOC) Executive Director Sam Paredes had a frank conversation with Breitbart’s AWR Hawkins, and told him to buckle up for an all-out ban on semi-automatic long guns in the coming legislative session.


According to Paredes, the “assault weapons” and bullet button bans passed in 2016 were only a stepping stone toward California lawmakers’ real goal of banning all semi-automatic rifles.

“These laws are the tip of the iceberg here in California. We expect they are going to introduce legislation to totally ban semi-automatic long guns in California. They will do this because they know we will come up with a new way to beat their latest ban–the ‘bullet button’ ban–if given time.”

“They had a bill for this last year that we were able to kill. We think they will bring it up again and they will also introduce legislation to put in place a one-gun-per-month of any kind purchase limit. This limit will apply whether it’s a handgun or a long gun, in order to try to slow down the sales of guns in California.”

Since California already uses a universal background check system, all the new bans, rules, and regulations Parades is referring to will only apply to the law-abiding citizens who purchase firearms legally, not the criminals who continue to obtain guns by stealing them or paying cash on the street or the black market.

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