Sheriffs Stand Opposed to Two Gun Control Bills in New Mexico

The fallout from the 2016 elections can still be felt from coast to coast, the ramifications of which have Sheriffs for the Second Amendment in a showdown with a know-it-all billionaire in one southwestern state.


Documents filed with the Secretary of State’s office show Bloomberg’s gun control group Everytown for Gun Safety spent nearly $220,000 in New Mexico during 2016 while the National Rifle Association spent $10,000, which had a significant outcome at the polls.

“Everytown for Gun Safety and the New Mexico chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America declared victory (in November) in electing a bipartisan background-check majority to the statehouse,” Everytown spokeswoman Radnor Radnor said.

So what is Bloomberg trying to do in New Mexico? Ram through a pair of gun control bills that will do little to curb crime, but put undue fees and restrictions on law-abiding citizens.

Senate Bill 48 and House Bill 50 would prohibit residents from selling firearms from their personal collection to any relatives, long-time friends, business partners, neighbors, or fellow gun club members without government permission. The bills would also restrict firearm transfers—including gifts, loans, exchanges and other temporary changes in possession of a firearm, not just the sale of firearms.  House Bill 50 has been amended and its provisions regarding transfers are now slightly different than Senate Bill 48

In a letter issued by the New Mexico Sheriff’s Association, 32 of the 33 Sheriffs in the state signed a statement which read, in part:


This scheme would not be enforceable without creating a gun registry. We know this because a 2013 U.S. Department of Justice internal memo on gun violence prevention strategies stated that the success of expanded background check laws depends on requiring firearm registration.

As sheriffs, we know that criminals, by definition, ignore the law. This proposed gun control law would not stop them from getting their guns from other criminal associates and theft, as they already do.

All 33 Sheriffs in New Mexico now stand firmly in opposition to both SB 48 and HB 50 and on Friday, members of the New Mexico Sheriff’s Association spent six hours in a hearing at the state capital speaking out against HB50.

“We’re punishing all citizens of New Mexico (with this bill) – honest, good gun owners – for what a small portion of the criminal element is doing. I’ve said before, we need to focus on the criminal element. They do no abide by the laws, no matter what bills we pass or what we try to do. The criminal element is still going to try to get firearms. They are going to steal them, trade them amongst themselves, whatever,” said Cibola County Sheriff Tony Mace.

“I believe this bill, although well-intentioned, is going to have a chilling effect on our Second Amendment,” said Valencia County Undersheriff Mark Shea.


“I stand opposed to this bill. I’ve been a law enforcement officer for the past 36 years and there is nothing in this bill that will help keep guns out of the hands of criminals,” said Valencia County Sheriff Lou Burkhard.

State Rep. Zachary J. Cook stated Bloomberg and his gun control groups have seven lobbyists pushing for tougher gun laws in New Mexico this year. He notes that Bloomberg has spent more than $100,000 in NM so far, pushing his bills, and has committed to spending $50 million on his gun control agenda nationwide.

“It bothers me that someone from New York is spending that kind of money to make his vision a reality in my state. He has spent $50 million of his own money,” Cook said.

The Sheriff’s Association is committed to opposing both House Bill 50 and Senate Bill 48, but they need your support to stop these gun control measures against the residents of New Mexico. Call your legislators TODAY and tell them you stand with New Mexico’s Sheriffs in opposing these gun control measures!

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