Assembly Bill Aims to Make California a "Shall-Issue" State

A new bill introduced in California would amend the state law to allow citizens showing “just cause” for self defense to obtain a concealed carry permit.


AB 757 states:

Existing law authorizes the sheriff of a county, or the chief or other head of a municipal police department, if good cause exists for the issuance, and subject to certain other criteria, to issue a license to carry a concealed handgun or to carry a loaded and exposed handgun, as specified.
This bill would define “good cause” for these purposes to include self-defense, defending the life of another, or preventing crime in which human life is threatened, and would provide procedural guidelines to the issuing authority on determining the presence or absence of “good cause.” The bill would make other technical, nonsubstantive changes.

“It is our Constitutional right to defend ourselves,” said bill sponsor Assemblywoman Melissa Melendez in a statement. “Californians should not be subjugated to the personal beliefs of one individual who doesn’t believe in the Second Amendment. If a citizen passes the background check and completes the necessary safety training requirements, there should be no reason to deny them a CCW.”


Since gun control advocate and California Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill making open carry illegal in 2011, the only way residents have been able to carry firearms for self defense outside the home has been to obtain a concealed carry permit which, given it’s strict gun control laws and additional infringements on citizens’ right to carry, is no easy task in the Golden State.

“Our current system of issuing concealed carry permits is not equal. It comes down to being lucky enough to live in a county where the Sheriff believes in upholding the Second Amendment,” Melendez stated.

AB 757 is currently awaiting committee assignment.

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