Criminal Couple Gets Blasted By Shotgun, Stops for Chocolate Milk Before the ER

According to a San Antonio Police report, a criminal couple injured from a shotgun blast made an unusual pit stop to get one last hit of a highly addictive substance before going to the hospital: chocolate milk.


Police said it was approximately 8:30 PM Thursday night when Cassandra Dolo Talamantez, 23, started banging on the doors and windows of a home on West Olmos Drive. A male 26-year-old resident eventually exited the homearmed with a shotgun and told Talamantez to vacate the property.

Witnesses told police Talmantez started to leave, but as she walked back toward the stolen Dodge Charger she arrived in, she pulled a pistol and pointed it at the homeowner, racking the slide and allegedly putting a bullet into the chamber.

The homeowner told police he believed Talmantez was going to shoot him and, fearing for his life, he fired his shotgun at least three times in the direction of the suspect and her vehicle.

Talamantez sustained a gunshot wound to the right thigh and her accomplice who was driving the car, 31-year-old John Carlos Alvear, was hit in the chest and right hand. The shot up suspects fled the scene but did not go straight to the hospital. Instead, police said Alvear drove to a nearby store where calmly he drank chocolate milk before running back to Talamantez in the stolen vehicle.


Alvear then drove the bullet-riddled Charger to the TEXSAN Methodist Hospital where again, he left Talamantez in the car as he entered the building. Hospital staff alerted authorities of Alvear’s condition and both he and his hot-headed hitwoman were apprehended before being transported to University Hospital to be treated for their injuries.

Alvear was arrested for family violence, while Talamantez was booked on a warrant for possession of a controlled substance. Investigators noted in the report the Charger had been reported stolen on April 10.

The two were eventually listed as stable after surgery and booked on their respective warrants, according to police.

With any luck, there will be a supply of chocolate milk waiting for these idiots when they finally arrive in jail.

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