Ted Nugent Puts Democrats on Edge, Hints at Possible Run for Senate in 2018

In a live interview with his wife Shemane on the Fox&Friends show Friday morning, 69-year-old rocker, outspoken hunter, and Second Amendment defender Ted Nugent put Democrats on edge in a big way when he hinted at a possible run for senate in 2018.


“Well, I’m a terminal ‘we the people American patriot’ and I think I’m doing the most important political job in the world and that is participating in the scared experiment of self-government and demanding constitutional accountability from our elected employees.”

“There’s no limit to what I’d be willing to do to help make this country great.”

“I’m a hell-raiser,” Nugent went on to declare. “I’m what the Founding Fathers wanted all Americans to be…and it’s all about the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Ten Commandants, the Golden Rule, being the best that you can be, earning your own way.”

The Nuge then reflected on his own statement before sarcastically concluding, “Wow, I’m a radical!”

As Uncle Ted considers his political options with help from a few of his “Republican friends”, you tell us: would you vote for Ted Nugent for Senate?

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Tom Knighton 4:29 PM | January 22, 2025