It's Time America Honors Police Again

“Our country’s law enforcement officers represent the best of American courage. Yet today, a deceitful media has put their courage under fire,” says NRA Executive Vice President and CEO Wayne LaPierre. “It’s time America honored its police again.”


For decades, the NRA has been an unwavering supporter of American law enforcement, assisting retired law enforcement officers with the benefits of the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (LEOSA), providing self-defense insurance for retired and off-duty officers, defending America’s police when their courage unjustly comes under fire, and by means of the Line of Duty Death Benefit program, which provides public law enforcement officers with a $35,000 line of duty death benefit, if they are killed in the line of duty.

Our nation’s police officers put their lives on the line every day to protect those in need—including the ignorant and ungrateful who direct criticism toward the entire profession. We at the NRA salute those who wear the badge, especially as they find themselves targeted for undeserved blame. Donate your vehicles to NRA Cars For Freedom: Back Our Blue. Donations are tax-deductible and will be used to bolster the NRA Foundation’s Law Enforcement program, which provides training, supplies and other benefits to our nation’s law enforcement officers. It’s time America honored its police again.

“Stand with us. Help us Back Our Blue,” says LaPierre.

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