The Women's March Laudes Convicted Cop Killer as a "Feminist Figure"

…just when you thought the people behind the Women’s March couldn’t get ANY more ridiculous, they lower the bar.

We all know how much the Women’s March hates the NRA, Dana Loesch’s call to expose the truth about liberal lies, and any woman/gender fluid individual who dares to be an independent thinker, but care to guess who they look up to?


In a crazy case of verbal vomit, the Women’s March heaved up a 20-Tweet celebration of a woman whose “resistance tactics” make her a “feminist figure” in the eyes of their leaders: convicted cop killer and wanted fugitive from justice Assata Shakur.

Wait… solidarity? You mean like this?

You know, kinda like the CLENCHED FIST OF TRUTH Dana Loesch talked about in her video that sparked the #NRA2DOJ protest of the NRA?!?

Brilliant… please continue!!

Wait… “resistance tactics”? Are they serious?!


Gee, it sounds like this poor woman was targeted for her “work”…

…or that.

Well, I guess that technically was a “first” for women, but calling her a “feminist figure” – while they are actively trying to shut down Dana Loesch for actually being a feminist figure is absolutely insane!


With friends like Shakur, who needs enemies?

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