Tommy Thacker Shares This Simple One-Minute Trigger Upgrade That Can Transform Your Rifle

Want to know how to get the most out of your rifle with an upgrade that takes less than one minute?

Professional shooter and NSSF 3-Gun Fantasy Camp Firearms Trainer Tommy Thacker has the answer!


Go to Timney Triggers and order a new Calvin Elite AR Trigger (660-CE).

The install will take less than a minute and you will have the best trigger feel ever.

Completely adjustable to your finger position with 4 different types of trigger shoes, 1.5lb trigger pull with a 5lb hammer spring.

Check it out:

Need proof Thacker knows a thing or two about rocking a trigger?

Check him out on the shotgun portion of the professional tag-team 3-gun run at the NSSF Fantasy Camp in Vegas this past April:

Now THAT’S a fast trigger!!

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