Will Doctor Carson go to Washington?

A new Rasmussen report conducted by a national telephone survey of likely voters, it could be a surprising race among possible GOP contenders for presidency in 2016.

Rasmussen picked Democrat party favorite former Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton to match up against possible GOP contenders and the findings were surprising.

While Clinton earns 45 percent to 50 percent of the vote against six of the potential 2016 Republican candidates, it is who she did worst against that should have the Republican establishment concerned. Clinton faired best against Texas Gov. J. Richard “Rick” Perry and Texas Sen. R. Edward Cruz. She had an even stronger showing against now waning candidate New Jersey Gov. Christopher J. Christie Jr.

But the surprise of the poll shows who she did the worst against. Polls show her toughest opponents thus far are Kentucky’s Sen. Randall H. “Rand” Paul, which is not a huge surprise being that he is a Tea Party favorite, and the one that should make everyone sit a little straighter, former director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Dr. Benjamin S. Carson Sr.

Both men are surgeons and Paul still returns to Kentucky to operate on his eye patients.

While Clinton leads Cruz 50 percent to 37 percent, newcomer Carson has a much narrower margin at 45 percent to 38 percent. What does this mean for the Republican establishment that someone like Carson who has only been on the national scene for over a year and has not even yet committed to run?

Before the National Day of Prayer Breakfast in 2013, Carson was a world renowned surgeon and director of pediatric neurosurgery for Johns Hopkins University. He was the first doctor to ever successfully perform separation of Siamese, or craniopagus, twins.

A book was even written on his life called ‘Gifted Hands’, an amazing account of his upbringing in impoverished Detroit with little education or money, a sacrificing mother and his once violent temper. The book follows a young Carson to adulthood where he conquers racism, poverty, his temper and ultimately medical school to become the surgeon he is today. A movie starring Cuba Gooding Jr., was even made from the book.

But other than that he was still relatively unheard of by mainstream America in the political sphere. That all changed during the National Prayer Breakfast, invited by President Obama.

It was not Carson’s eloquence of speech nor his charismatic personality that caught everyone’s attention. It was his candor. His honesty about the ills of our Nation without regard for who was in the room nor who contributed to the problem.

He spoke frankly, not concerned about the consequences or who was offended by the truth. That is what made people sit up and recognize him.

“Five doctors signed the Declaration of Independence. Doctors were involved in framing the Constitution. We need doctors, we need scientists, engineers. We need all those people involved in government, not just lawyers. I don’t have anything against lawyers, but you know, here’s the thing about lawyers,” he said.

“I’m sorry, but I got to be truthful—what do lawyers learn in law school?” he said. “To win.”

Lawyers learn to win by hook or by crook, he said.

“You got all these Democrat lawyers, and you got all these Republican lawyers and their sides want to win. We need to get rid of that,” he said.

What we need to start thinking about is,” he said. “How do we solve the problems?”

Carson has not even hit the campaign trail and he is one of the top contenders. Perhaps it is because people are tired of career politicians with eloquent speeches and no delivery. He does not come to the table to put people down or offer mudslinging and empty rhetoric.

In his recent books, ‘America the Beautiful’, and ‘One Nation’ he doesn’t just talk about where we have veered as a Nation. He offers solutions.

Carson is a doctor. Doctor’s fix problems others cannot. Doctors like Carson will do things like put together a 70-member team and work 22 hours to save the lives of two people others think we should discard because they cost too much to fix under Obama’s Complete Lives System.

People are taking notice of Carson and the polls are showing it. The establishment should be advised there is a new person going to Washington, and it’s not Mr. Smith, it just might be Dr. Ben Carson.


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