Resolution Introduced Declaring Biden's Gun Control Agenda Unconstitutional

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

We’re currently dealing with this generation’s version of the National Firearms Act (NFA), The Gun Control Act, the ’86 Amendments to the NFA, or 1994 Crime Bill. There are administrative attacks coming from the ATF with their shenanigans and we are dealing with the hostile to freedom Biden-Harris administration. The United States dodged a bullet by having the sunset provisions of the failed “Assault Weapons” ban. The anti freedom caucus is playing for keeps now and will do anything in their power to cripple the private citizen’s ability to keep and bear arms. There are friendly forces in the halls of congress, and we need to acknowledge that too.


In May Representative Scott Desjarlais introduced a Resolution that explains what we already know. House Resolution 388 has a wordy title, but it says it all, “Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that President Biden’s gun policies are unconstitutional and should never be approved.” Desjarlais outlines quite clearly what all Americans, left, right, or center should know. Unfortunately due to big money in progressive politics, the notions and ideas within the resolution are not uniformly embraced by the population. We can gather some civil rights are more equal than others. From a press release:

Rep. Scott DesJarlais said in a statement:

“The Biden administration has been on a power trip since assuming office in January. They believe the Constitution can be tossed to the side and that the rules do not apply to them. This has been made clear through numerous executive orders and the championing of legislative pandering to progressives.

This resolution makes it clear policies that limit the freedoms guaranteed by the Second Amendment for law abiding citizens will not stand. The attempt to limit your right to defend yourself is an egregious government overreach.”

Desjarlais’s statements are not exclusive of the Biden-Harris administration’s quest to strip the citizens from their Second Amendment civil liberties, as we can see the team being hostile to anything freedom related. Recent repots suggest that the NSA under Biden’s command has been spying on civilian journalists. Overreach is going to be a common word used when describing this dark time in American history. The text of the Resolution will at minimum be entered into the rolls and records of the country. Unfortunately, it may just stand as a statement of foreshadow and “I told you so”. From the text:


Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that President Biden’s gun policies are unconstitutional and should never be approved.

Whereas the right of the people to keep and bear arms is enshrined in our Constitution as the Second Amendment;

Whereas our Nation’s Founders believed this right to be fundamental for Americans to protect themselves and the state of freedom;

Whereas President Biden has directly attacked this right by issuing numerous Executive orders and calling for stricter gun control policies;

Whereas President Biden’s Executive actions on pistol-braced firearms are an unconstitutional attack on Americans exercising their Second Amendment rights;

Whereas President Biden’s Executive actions on homemade firearms, such as 3D printed firearm files or unfinished receiver blanks, are an unconstitutional attack on Americans exercising their Second Amendment rights;

Whereas President Biden has called for Congress to pass unconstitutional laws requiring background checks on all firearm transfers, unconstitutionally banning “assault weapons” and “high-capacity magazines”, and holding law-abiding gun manufacturers liable for the acts of criminals;

Whereas President Biden’s gun restriction proposals would effectively ban commonly owned firearms and magazines used for lawful purposes;

Whereas President Biden’s gun restriction proposals would criminalize private firearm transfers; and

Whereas President Biden’s gun restriction proposals would seek to hold gun manufacturers and dealers civilly liable, encouraging abuse of the court system to drive them out of business through meritless litigation: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That it is the sense of the House of Representatives that—

(1) it should be the policy of the United States to strengthen the Second Amendment rights of Americans and prevent the potential erosion of these rights; and

(2) Congress should never stop fighting to protect the Second Amendment.


While the resolution is symbolic in nature, it does send a very crisp and clear message. As it stands there are only 18 cosponsors. Hopefully over time more will come to their senses, and make known their intentions that they will not support freedom limiting laws. The resolution will also communicate the urgency for congress to bring forward provisions that will knock down unconstitutional laws and limit the powers which the executive branch may levy against We The People through abuse and overreach.

As with other measures in congress that are supportive of civil rights, it’s important that we reach out to our legislators and give them our opinions on such matters.

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