Some of the unsung heroes in the Second Amendment fight for our rights often go unacknowledged. There are the Second Amendment groups, such as the big ones; National Rifle Association, Second Amendment Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, The work these groups, and ones like them do directly impact our fundamental freedoms in positive ways. Without those who support the groups; whether they’re individuals, other groups, or corporations, the organizations would cease to exist. That’s why it’s important to thank and celebrate the companies that step up to the plate, swing, and put their money where their mouths are. In a recent release, the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) announced Sig Sauer’s support of the organization.
The Second Amendment Foundation is proud to announce a sustained, multi-year Double Diamond sponsorship by Sig Sauer, Inc., to support our important programs and initiatives.
“It’s an honor for SIG SAUER to contribute to the important work of the Second Amendment Foundation and join forces with their 700,000 plus membership to defend our constitutional rights to privately own and possess firearms,” said Tom Taylor, Chief Marketing Officer and Executive Vice President, Commercial Sales, SIG SAUER, Inc. “The Second Amendment is under constant attack and the legal activism, education, and resources provided by the Second Amendment Foundation is absolutely essential to stopping the encroachment on our constitutional rights and ensuring that the Second Amendment is preserved for future generations.”
The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting a better understanding about our Constitutional heritage to privately own and possess firearms. SAF supports legal action and educational programs to protect and defend the Second Amendment. SAF has been engaged in legal action across the U.S. for over 45-years and has successfully defended, overturned, and set precedent in many cases.
Without help from the community, groups like the SAF would not be able to stave off, stop, and reverse bad polices that get implemented in the United States. The civil liberties of the law abiding gun owner in America are under attack and Sig Sauer needs to stand as a shining example of what it means to give back. The assaults are both foreign and domestic, with frivolous lawsuits out of Mexico and the UN Small Arms Treaty…now, more than ever, we need to fight for the Second Amendment as well as the firearm industry. They do go hand in hand!
Founder and Executive Vice President of SAF, Alan Gottlieb made the following remarks about Sig’s dedication to the organization.
“This unprecedented commitment from SIG SAUER is simply awesome,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb. “To have this legendary company as our very first Double Diamond sponsor underscores the importance of our legal and educational efforts. I am both humbled and grateful at this level of support for our efforts to defend the right to keep and bear arms.
“SIG SAUER’s commitment will guarantee that SAF can continue winning firearms freedom one lawsuit at a time,” Gottlieb added.
Sig Sauer is known for their high quality firearms as well as their training facility in New Hampshire. Given their product line, as well as their commitment to the Second Amendment, supporting them is a no brainer! As an industry leader, Sig’s commitment needs to be emulated by other companies in supporting our fundamental rights. Thank you Sig!
More information on Sig Sauer:
SIG SAUER, Inc. is a leading provider and manufacturer of firearms, electro-optics, ammunition, airguns, suppressors, and training. For over 250 years SIG SAUER, Inc. has evolved, and thrived, by blending American ingenuity, German engineering, and Swiss precision. Today, SIG SAUER is synonymous with industry-leading quality and innovation which has made it the brand of choice amongst the U.S. Military, the global defense community, law enforcement, competitive shooters, hunters, and responsible citizens. Additionally, SIG SAUER is the premier provider of elite firearms instruction and tactical training at the SIG SAUER Academy. Headquartered in Newington, New Hampshire, SIG SAUER has over 2,200 employees across nine locations. For more information about the company and product line visit:
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