92-Year-Old Blind WWII Veteran Attacked Trying to Protect His Flag

The world is full of terrible people.

The story of 92-year-old WWII veteran Howard Banks confirms as much.

Banks said he was sitting in his home in Kaufman, TX on July 11, 2017, when he thought he heard something or someone outside his door. The WWII veteran is legally blind, but knowing someone had destroyed his American flag a year prior and thrown his Marine flag into a ditch, he worried the noises might indicate someone trying to the same again.


As he walked outside, he realized his suspicions were correct. But rather than run away, the cowardly thug knocked Banks down.

“They could see me. I couldn’t see them,” said Banks. “I turned and looked in the other direction, and about then – ‘wham!’ They knocked me down.”

Neighbors rushed to help Banks but unfortunately the assailant escaped. The noble veteran wasn’t able to provide details of his attacker but his daughter and neighbors are staying vigilant. Banks says he has a few bumps and bruises but “I’m durable. I can take it.”

At 92, Banks is indeed still a tough cookie. However, more than that he remains a patriot and is determined to continue to honor all the men and women who have served and the flag that represents them.

“I think we all had that same feeling, that the flag was our identity. We were Americans,” said Banks. “The fact that I’m getting older, and the less I can do… at least I can still do that.”

Godspeed, Mr. Banks. You are are great American.

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