Man Cites Joe Biden's Shotgun Advice After Using It and Being Arrested

Remember this?

“Just walk out on the balcony here, walk out and put that double barrel shotgun and fire two blasts outside the house.”

So what happened when a man took Biden’s advice? Of course, he was arrested because blasting off a shotgun is illegal.


A Vancouver man who fired a shotgun to chase away alleged car prowlers pleaded not guilty Wednesday and cited Vice President Joe Biden as the reason he did this.

Jeffery Barton, 52, pleaded not guilty to one count of illegal aiming or discharging a firearm at his arraignment in Clark County Court.

Barton reportedly admitted to deputies that he fired his weapon while chasing away people who he thought were breaking into his vehicles at 5804 NE 124th St. in the early morning hours Monday.

Outside the courtroom Wednesday, Barton cited the vice president in defense of his actions.

I did what Joe Biden told me to do,” Barton told KOIN. “I went outside and fired my shotgun in the air.”

I could insert a “haha Joe Biden” here, but I’m not going to. The fact is, Joe Biden is the Vice President of the United States and he has an obligation not to offer frivolous and illegal advice to the masses. It’s time for him to stop getting a free pass for “just being Joe.”

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