LaPierre Slams Obama’s SOTU Address

The NRA’s Wayne LaPierre issued a scathing response to the State of the Union address, saying the “president displayed a level of political fraud and public deception that cannot be ignored.”


Speaking at the National Wild Turkey Federation convention in Nashville on Thursday, LaPierre took issue with the fact that the president completely ignored “school safety” in his SOTU address even though that was the impetus for his gun-control push.

In the aftermath of the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting, the president said, “If we are not getting right the need to keep our children safe, then nothing else matters.” But during Tuesday’s hour-long speech, “school safety” was nowhere to be found.

“When nothing else matters—to every parent in America—President Obama had nothing to say about school security. And nothing he’s proposed has anything to do with protecting one child at any school,” the NRA chief said.

Of course, the reason the proposals have nothing to do with school safety is because that isn’t the goal. Instead, the president has been waiting for the “right political opportunity to exploit and launch the most aggressive campaign in history to destroy our rights,” LaPierre said, adding that he finally “exposed their fraudulent intentions” during the SOTU address.


From universal background checks to universal gun bans, criminals will easily get around any new gun laws, he argued.

“The only people who will be checked are law-abiding, normal, sane, decent Americans. It will our names — the names of good people —that will be put into a massive database, subject to potential federal registration and abuse of privacy.”

Even though President Obama may not be serious about keeping children safer in schools, the NRA is, he said. Rather than more gun laws, LaPierre renewed a call for armed security in every school in America.

“When it comes to keeping our kids safe at school, nothing else matters.”

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