Anti-Gun Hysteria in Schools Has Gone Too Far

In the wake of Sandy Hook, progressives have unsurprisingly placed the blamed on inanimate objects rather than on the mentally disturbed individuals who use them. As such, gun-control proposals and legislation have swept state legislatures throughout the nation, Congress and the White House. But as the gun control debate rages on, common sense seems to have been hijacked by hyper-paranoia and zero-tolerance policies in schools across the nation.


And since there seems to be a gun-hysteria story du jour, here is a compilation of 10 recent incidents that best demonstrate how far off the political correctness deep end people in this country have gone:

1.      Michigan: “School confiscates cupcakes decorated with Toy Soldiers” – A woman made a batch of cupcakes for her son’s classmates. Her 9-year-old son decorated them with plastic soldier figurines. The mother was called shortly after delivering them and was told they couldn’t be served because the soldiers had guns.

2.     Maryland: “Pop-Tart Pistol?: 7-year-old gets suspended for gun-shaped pastry”—The child claims he tried to make it into the shape of a mountain but it turned out looking more like a gun. Obviously he was suspended for two days. PS– students are being offered counseling services if they were troubled by the pastry incident.

3.     Colorado: “Colorado boy, 7, reportedly faces suspension for tossing imaginary grenade”—He was just trying to save the world from evil forces but apparently that flies in the face of the school’s “no weapons, real or imaginary,” policy. He doesn’t understand why he was “dispended,” either.

4.     Maryland: “6-year-old boy suspended for pointing finger like a gun got off easy”—Just suspension, not expulsion? The author of this article quips, “Soon, six year-old children will be forced to sit indoors playing Sensitivity Training and delivering Powerpoint lectures to each other on Safety Within the Home and Workforce Best Practices.”


5.     Illinois: “Student ordered to remove U.S. Marines T-Shirt Due to Gun Imagery—or face suspension”—The 14-year-old had reportedly worn the shirt “many times” before without incident. The imagery in question shows two intersecting rifles below the word, “MARINES.”

6.     Washington: “Pasco school district overturns 6-year-old’s suspension for discussing toy gun”—But how did it come to suspension in the first place? The child was talking about the Nerf guns his family bought during a recent family vacation.

7.     Michigan: “L’Anse Creuse High School had security scare Tuesday morning”—Hardly. A former student who works at the Air National Guard Base, which is less than 5 miles away, entered the school looking for a letter of recommendation. “Concerns were raised” because he was dressed in camouflage.

8.     Pennsylvania: “Schools locked down over “ambiguous message” taken as threat”—that ambiguous message would be a phone message that included a quote from the theme song to ‘The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air’ that says, “And all shooting some b-ball outside of the school.” Schools in the county were on lock down for 20 minutes as a result of a receptionist misunderstanding the message and calling police over the “threat.”

9.     Arizona: “Florence student suspended over picture of gun”—a high school student was suspended because he made the desktop background on his school-issued computer a picture of a gun on top of a flag. The student’s reason? He’s interesting in joining the military.


10.  Florida: “Fla. High school student reportedly suspended after disarming gunman”—this one is by far the most disturbing. A student wrestled a loaded gun away from a 15-year-old who was allegedly pointing the firearm at another student and threatening to shoot. By any account, what this student did was heroic and rather than being praised, he’s being punished.

While it’s perfectly understandable that schools take potential threats more seriously in the wake of Sandy Hook, it’s as though people have lost any and all ability to exercise sound judgment in situations involving “weapons” in schools—real, fake or imaginary—and the appropriate level of punishment.

Next thing you know, this will actually happen (H/T: Dalton Vogler).

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