Illinois Dem Rep: The Assault Weapons Ban is Just the Beginning

The assault weapons ban is just the beginning, Dem Rep. Jan Schakowsky told Talk Radio Network’s Jason Mattera at a women’s rights rally in February. Schakowsky, of course, did not recognize Mattera, a conservative video journalist and senior investigative reporter for TRN (hence her full disclosure).


Schakowsky believes there’s no time like the present for pushing sweeping gun-control legislation. “We’re on a roll now, and I think we’ve got to take the—you know, we’re gonna push as hard as we can and as far as we can,” she told Mattera, adding that she’s against handguns, too.

Mattera pushed the issue further, suggesting that a handgun ban would never pass with the Second Amendment as stated, but Schakowsky wasn’t so sure.

“I don’t know. I don’t know that we can’t.  And there may be an allowance, once again, for communities—I have communities in my district that prohibited handguns within their borders. The rights of municipalities and states to view that as a sensible way to keep people safe—I don’t think it’s precluded,” she said.

Schakowsky’s candid remarks sound familiar to those made by our president before he rose to the top. While at the University of Chicago, Obama allegedly told John Lott he doesn’t believe people should be able to own guns. The president’s support of a ban on handguns in 1996 and a ban on the sale of all semi-automatic guns in 1986 reflect these convictions, although such staunch opposition would never fly now that he’s on the national stage. After all, 74 percent of Americans oppose a ban on handguns—even after the Sandy Hook massacre.


So for now, Schakowsky’s confessions are likely just wishful thinking. Where there is concern, however, is in the makeup of the Supreme Court and what that means for the Second Amendment. As Lott notes, “The greatest threat is in his [Obama’s] power to reshape the federal courts…Each appointment to the Supreme Court could determine whether the people are allowed to keep their guns.”


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