Cuban Immigrant Who Escaped Communist Regime Gives Powerful Testimony at Gun Control Hearing

“You people don’t know what freedom is because you never lost it,” Manuel Martinez said emphatically at a gun control hearing in Salem, Oregon on Friday. According to this video’s YouTube page:


Mr. Martinez escaped the brutal Communist regime in Cuba in 1954. His testimony included how citizens under Castro were first disarmed by legislation similar to that being shepherded along by Gun-Grabber in Chief Floyd Prozanski. Defenseless, many Cuban Citizens were later summarily slaughtered.

Having been present at the testimony, I can assure you even the Liberal hacks in the press pool were visibly shaken. The expressions on the Senators faces … well they spoke for themselves (you can see them at the end of the video). I’d wager no one in room did not feel a chill up their spine, or a tear in the corner of their eye, as Martinez described scenes of sons being torn from their mothers arms, and shot dead in the street, because they lacked the means to protect themselves. He spoke from the heart: no notes or teleprompter required.

Check out the powerful video below:

H/T: Guns Save Lives

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