Face of Defense: Champion Army skeet shooter aims high

Army Capt. Michael Marano holds his B Class category 1st place award for skeet shooting on Joint Base Myer Henderson Hall, Va., Dec. 2, 2013. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Luisito Brooks)

JOINT BASE MYER-HENDERSON HALL, Va, Dec. 4, 2013 – “I have to keep myself calm and focused when I am standing there with my shotgun waiting on that target to fly,” said Army Capt. Michael Marano, a world-class skeet and trap shooter.


“The best feeling in the world is turning that clay disk into dust,” he said.

Marano, who serves as the ceremonies and special events officer with Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard), has enjoyed the sport of skeet and trap shooting since 2006, his sophomore year at the United States Military Academy at West Point, N.Y. His passion and dedication to the sport would later lead him to a first-place title at the 2013 World Skeet Championships.

Marano started shooting for sport because of an incident that sidelined him from his first love, football.

“I sustained a major injury to my shoulder and needed surgery,” he said. “I had to look for a less-impact sport so I joined the skeet and trap team.”

Marano found that he was good at shooting. He competed in many collegiate competitions and by his senior year he was named team captain by his coach and peers.

“I really enjoyed my time as a leader on the team,” Marano said. “We pushed each other to get better and to shoot more consistently.”


Marano received orders to Germany following his graduation from West Point. Unfortunately, he couldn’t bring his shotguns or compete. He didn’t go a day without thinking about the sport he loved during the three years he spent in Germany and his deployment to Afghanistan.

“It was pretty tough for me, but I knew that I would get back into the game when I got stateside,” Marano said.

His prayers were answered when he was assigned to The Old Guard in Arlington, Va.

“I was excited about the unit and my opportunity to start shooting again. I searched for different skeet and trap ranges in the area and I went as often as I could.”

Marano connected with a member of the U.S. Army Shotgun Team during one of his training sessions.

“We shot together very often so he knew what I could do. He invited me to join the five-man team to contend with the best.”

The USAST competes in military, national, international and Olympic shooting competitions every year. The team finished in the middle of the pack during the 2013 Armed Forces Skeet Shooting Competition at Camp Lejuene, N.C.


“We did OK, but I felt as though I was still getting warmed up. We kicked our training into high gear after the competition.”

All of Marano’s hard work paid off during the 2013 World Skeet Championship at the National Shooting Complex in San Antonio. Marano placed first in the B Class category, shooting 438 out of 450 targets.

“The competition was tough, but my team helped me stay focused,” he said. “I felt right at home on the range shooting those targets.”

Marano considers it an honor to be a part of a team that represents the Army while also doing something he loves. He plans to continue shooting with the USAST as long as they will allow him.

“I am a very competitive guy. One great thing about this sport is that there is always something to learn.”

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