Medal of Honor Roll Call: Michael A. Monsoor

Petty Officer Second Class Michael A. Monsoor, a Navy SEAL, was awarded posthumously the Medal of Honor for diving onto a grenade to save his teammates in Ar Ramadi, Iraq on Sept. 29, 2006. Monsoor also received the Silver Star for his actions in May during the same deployment in 2006 when he exposed himself to heavy enemy fire to rescue and treat an injured teammate. (Courtesy)

You may have read that the widow of “American Sniper” Chris Kyle must pay $1.5 million to former Minnesota governor and professional wrestler Jesse Ventura after Ventura sued Kyle over an incident between the two men. I won’t go into the incident, but it took place at a Navy SEAL wake for this week’s Medal of Honor hero, Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class  Michael A. Monsoor. In addition to receiving the MOH from President George W. Bush, the Navy named a missile cruiser after him. Serving in Ramadi, Iraq in 2006, Monsoor jumped on a grenade to save the lives of two of his brother SEALs and eight Iraqi soldiers.


At the White House ceremony, Bush quoted one of the Seals Monsoor saved: “One of the survivors puts it this way: ‘’Mikey looked death in the face that day and said, “You cannot take my brothers. I will go in their stead.'”

Make the most of your day!



Michael A. Monsoor

Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as Automatic Weapons Gunner for Naval Special Warfare Task Group Arabian Peninsula, in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM on 29 September 2006. As a member of a combined SEAL and Iraqi Army sniper overwatch element, tasked with providing early warning and stand-off protection from a rooftop in an insurgent-held sector of Ar Ramadi, Iraq, Petty Officer Monsoor distinguished himself by his exceptional bravery in the face of grave danger. In the early morning, insurgents prepared to execute a coordinated attack by reconnoitering the area around the element’s position. Element snipers thwarted the enemy’s initial attempt by eliminating two insurgents. The enemy continued to assault the element, engaging them with a rocket-propelled grenade and small arms fire. As enemy activity increased, Petty Officer Monsoor took position with his machine gun between two teammates on an outcropping of the roof. While the SEALs vigilantly watched for enemy activity, an insurgent threw a hand grenade from an unseen location, which bounced off Petty Officer Monsoor’s chest and landed in front of him. Although only he could have escaped the blast, Petty Officer Monsoor chose instead to protect his teammates. Instantly and without regard for his own safety, he threw himself onto the grenade to absorb the force of the explosion with his body, saving the lives of his two teammates. By his undaunted courage, fighting spirit, and unwavering devotion to duty in the face of certain death, Petty Officer Monsoor gallantly gave his life for his country, thereby reflecting great credit upon himself and upholding the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.”


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