Gun Control Advocates Seek Taxpayer Funding, Guise of Legitimacy

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Some lawmakers in Congress are trying to subsidize their war on guns with YOUR tax dollars. This article, although lengthy, is well worth the read if you want to have a firm understanding of just how far some lawmakers are willing to go to further their gun control agendas.


The NRA has always joined forces with pro-2nd Amendment ranking members of Congress to combat these types of actions from the other side, and is continuing these same efforts for this important issue.

Anti-gun members of Congress and California lawmakers are not only determined to advance their campaign against lawful gun ownership, they intend to make you pay for it. Earlier this month, a group of anti-gun U.S. Senators, along with a colleague in the House, took aim at NRA-supported appropriations language that prevents the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from using taxpayer funds to advocate on behalf of gun control. Meanwhile, California lawmakers are moving forward with plans to establish a publicly-funded gun control research center to be run out of the University of California.

On March 23, an anti-gun representative used a House Subcommittee hearing as an opportunity to push for taxpayer-funded gun control efforts. Rep. Nita Lowey (D-N.Y.) expressed her long-held opposition to the gun control advocacy funding restriction. To his credit, Subcommittee Chairman Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) opened the hearing by noting the importance of “ensur[ing] that precious taxpayer dollars are not wasted on politically-motivated activities outside the mission of the CDC, such as promoting gun control or lobbying local communities to ban the consumption of certain products.”

For the last 20 years, NRA has successfully worked with Congress to ensure that CDC is prohibited from using taxpayer funds to “advocate or promote gun control.” Despite efforts to portray the contrary, the restrictions Congress has enacted are not a blanket ban on firearms research. The funding restriction was meant to halt CDC’s systematic attempts to undermine the constitutional right to keep and bear arms.


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