GEORGETOWN COUNTY, S.C. — “Will your Boykin hunt?” asked the young man, admiring the little red spaniel at my side. “Casey” wagged her tail and sat, patiently waiting for me to check out of the local farmers market with a basket of fresh peaches, corn and tomatoes.
“She’s not yet a year old, but she already works well into the wind, can kick up a bird and if I shoot right and retrieves to hand,” I replied with no small amount of hubris. The conversation abruptly shifted to international politics — but not in the direction I expected.
“What are you going to do with her once ‘The Empire’ bans your shotguns?” he asked.
For a moment, I was lost. “The Empire?”
“Yeah,” he said, “the U.N. — the global imperial government in New York. ‘The Empire’ wants to control who can buy or keep a shotgun.”
I’m used to strangers approaching me on topics such as hunting, the war, our troops serving in harm’s way, the national debt, taxes and the endless list of presidential candidates. But it’s unusual for an interlocutor to shift instantly from hunting to the United Nations. So I asked, “Why do you think that could happen while we still have a Second Amendment in our Constitution? The American people wouldn’t stand for it.”
“Do you really think ‘We the People’ are paying attention to what the U.N. is doing while we’re distracted with everything else that’s going on?”
It was a reasonable question — and I concluded: “No, most people probably aren’t engaged on this issue. But some of us are, and there are more than 80 million U.S. gun owners. I’m on the board of the National Rifle Association, and we’re paying attention.”
“Good,” the young man replied with a smile, “because I helped elect you. I’m a life member of the NRA.”
After paying for our produce, we spoke for a few more minutes in the parking lot. I again assured him that the NRA and organizations such as Freedom Alliance are doing their best to preserve Americans’ individual liberties and protect U.S. sovereignty and security — even though it often appears to be an uphill fight. I then went home to dig into what the globalists at the U.N. are preparing for us. As usual, it isn’t good.
For five years now, various committees of the United Nations purport to have been drafting “an internationally acceptable Arms Trade Treaty” that “will make the world safer.” If the U.N.’s “Open-Ended Working Group on an ATT” completes its “work” on time, the treaty will be voted on next year. The Obama administration is on record supporting the measure, claiming, “The United States is committed to actively pursuing a strong and robust treaty that contains the highest possible, legally binding standards for the international transfer of conventional weapons.”
Earlier this month, Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president of the NRA, went to the big blue building in New York to tell the America haters of the “Working Group,” in unequivocal terms, why the current draft of the treaty is unacceptable: “The right to keep and bear arms in defense of self, family and country is ultimately self-evident and is part of the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution. Reduced to its core, it is about fundamental individual freedom, human worth and self-destiny.” He noted that among the many flaws of the ATT, “a manufacturer of civilian shotguns would have to comply with the same regulatory process as a manufacturer of military attack helicopters.”
Freedom Alliance President Tom Kilgannon, who wrote the book on how the U.N. usurps U.S. sovereignty, “Diplomatic Divorce,” says we shouldn’t be surprised at the international forum’s end run on the U.S. Constitution. “The U.N. is a global-leftist organization that uses multilateral treaties like the ATT to enforce their will upon all humankind. It’s the ultimate power play. To them, the U.S. Constitution and the sovereign rights of American citizens are irrelevant. If they have their way, they will create a vast new international bureaucracy to document, regulate, track, supervise, inspect and maintain surveillance over every firearm ever made. Such a regime ought to be completely unacceptable to every American.”
LaPierre and Kilgannon make clear that including civilian firearms in the ATT is unacceptable to the NRA and Freedom Alliance. Whether that will be sufficient to convince the Obama administration remains to be seen. But there is some good news in all of this.
As we parted ways at the local farmers market, my inquisitor stuck out his hand and said: “You served in the Marines. I was in the Army. We both took an oath to ‘support and defend the Constitution of the United States.’ I hope that still matters.” When he got into his truck, I noticed his license plate: Massachusetts. Home of Paul Revere, John Adams, John Hancock. When an empire struck at Americans in 1775, they knew what to do. Let’s hope we still do.
Oliver North is the host of “War Stories” on Fox News Channel and the author of “American Heroes in Special Operations.” Join him on the Caribbean Freedom Cruise, which sets sail Oct. 22. To find out more about Oliver North and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at
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