Magical Thinking Typifies the Left's Approach to Parkland and the 2nd Amendment

One of the issues with the modern left — which encompasses the #MarchForOurLives crowd — is the tendency to confer moral authority upon anyone who A) is a “victim” and/or B) speaks passionately.


It is obviously a logical fallacy to assume that simply because someone has been victimized or shows emotion on a subject has somehow become morally superior to everyone around them.

David Hogg and his crew are passionate. They’re young, it comes with the territory.

But, as Tucker Carlson points out, they’re jumping to extremes.

“I agree with that this is a kid who saw unspeakable tragedy, he saw his classmates killed, and that’s exactly why he shouldn’t be involved in formulating a response to it. He is a kid. So you can’t simultaneously argue that you need to shut up and listen to him and if you don’t you are bad, which is what the left is arguing, and that we shouldn’t take what he says seriously or literally,” he continued. “You have to choose one. I’m happy to choose the first one.”

Hogg and his friends are not appealing to facts or logic. Few, if any, of the proposals they advocate would have stopped any of the recent shooters, except perhaps the Parkland shooter.

But, again, they’re not appealing to logic, they’re appealing to emotion, which, to the left, means they must be right.


Take for example, Emma Gonzalez, another survivor of the Parkland shooting, who had this to say to CNN:

I don’t think the FBI is to blame. They did mess up, that’s true. And the fact that they’re owning up to is an incredible step in the right direction. No other politicians are owning up to the fact that they’ve made mistakes not putting forward anti-gun lobbies and I don’t really care what people who defend the Second Amendment have to say.

Despite the verifiable screwups from top to bottom in this case. 

Which leads us to the other part of the problem: the left tends to conflate eloquence with intellectual rigor.

The Parkland kids are bright. They speak well, at least when they’re not dropping F-bombs, therefore they must be experts. 

In reality of course, they’re nothing of the sort.

As Tucker said, they’ve survived something horrific, and that bears noting. But simply being a victim does not make you an expert on anything.

This is part and parcel of the magical thinking that typifies the gun grabbers — and modern liberalism.

Against all logic, and against all common sense, they think that more gun laws will fix it this time, for sure, despite it never having worked in the past.


Moreover, the media has gone out of their way to deify these kids, imbuing them with a cachet their expertise does not warrant while simultaneously ignoring a student walkout in favor of the Second Amendment. Not to mention, they’ve given almost no air time to fellow Parkland survivor Kyle Kashuv, who vehemently disagrees with Mr. Hogg. Or, they attack him as CNN’s Joan Walsh did  — the same thing for which conservative commentator Laura Ingraham was pilloried for when Hogg was on the other end. 

Logic, truth, common sense; these things do not matter to the left. It’s all about feelings, which are all too easy to exploit in the wake of a tragedy — as we have seen all too often.

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