Operation Wetback

"The rise in illegal border-crossing by Mexican wetbacks to a current rate of more than 1,000,000 cases a year has been accompanied by a curious relaxation in ethical standards extending all the way from the farmer exploiters of this contraband labor to the highest levels of the Federal Government."


Dwight Eisenhower, President of the United States, was reiterating a report in the New York Times describing America’s porous southern border.  Eisenhower was determined to mend what was considered at the time a problem, and threat to our nation’s sovereignty—an illegal alien population of 1 to 2 million.

With approximately one thousand Border Patrol Agents, beginning in July, 1954, Eisenhower began rounding up and arresting Latino looking people who were randomly checked and could not provide ID. 

Throughout July more than one thousand illegal aliens were apprehended daily and though about 50,000 were directly deported by INS in this time frame, estimations are that nearly half a million returned home via their own volition.

The program concluded within only a few months, INS claiming that more than 1 million illegal aliens were repatriated to their homeland of Mexico.

The American mood in 1954 was not much different than it is today, nor was it different in 1945 after WWII, or different in 1929 after the stock market crash.  In each era illegal aliens were deported to open employment opportunities for American citizens.


Barack Obama says it is impossible, exactly what Dwight Eisenhower proved was not, what Harry Truman proved was not, and what Herbert Hoover proved was not, to deport our illegal alien population.

According to Obama, Dwight Eisenhower, Harry Truman, and Herbert Hoover all broke Constitutional Law by taking measures far more "extreme" than those suggested in Arizona’s SB1070.

Is America different today than it was in this not so distant past?

Americans are spitting mad, perhaps to a greater extent than can ever be recalled, and yet our president defies the will of a majority. 

Just because the president told us he was going to fundamentally change America and people voted for it, doesn’t mean the American people understood what fundamental change was.  Now that they are starting to understand what it is, they don’t want it.

Obama hasn’t got the message, or perhaps he has gotten the message and that’s why he’s trying to get citizenship for twelve million illegal aliens he thinks he can get registered to vote before the 2012 election.


Even FDR wasn’t this creative.

It is times like this we get funny aphorisms like, "Elections have consequences!"
Just for the record—the official name of this government program successfully pursued by three presidential administrations prior to our current president’s tenure, and his guarantee that such a quest would be "impossible"?

"Operation Wetback"

I wonder what Dwight, Harry and Herbert thought of racial profiling?

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