BetX O’Rourke Loses TX LatinX Vote in Quinnipiac Poll

AP Photo/David Zalubowski

The word “hispandering” is a funny portmanteau that ridicules politicians’ pandering to the large, growing Hispanic-American community to solicit their votes. Changing your given name from an aristocratic-sounding Robert Francis O’Rourke to Beto O’Rourke is as hispandering as hispandering gets.


Given all the rage in the Woke Movement to substitute LatinX for Latino/Latina, FilipinX for Filipino/Filipina, modeled after the gender-neutral Lynx for Lyno/Lyna, it’s surprising that Beto hasn’t already upped his game and officially changed his name to BetX.

Beto’s opposition to our right to keep and bear arms is well-known and has been discussed on Bearing Arms before. His desperation to remain relevant in the Democrats’ 2020 presidential primaries led Beto to adopt a Leeroy Jenkins strategy and say the quiet part out loud, “Hell, yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47,” with the Democrat debate audience wildly cheering Beto’s promised gun confiscation.

So how is Beto’s position on the Second Amendment playing out in Texas in the upcoming gubernatorial election? A recent Quinnipiac Poll shows that Beto is lagging Texas Gov. Greg Abbott across the board among Texans of all ethnicities and races in the upcoming Texas gubernatorial election.

Abbott Leads O’Rourke By Double Digits In Texas Governor’s Race, Quinnipiac University Texas Poll Finds; Texas-Mexico Border Dominates Issues For Voters

In a head-to-head matchup in the race for governor of Texas, Republican Governor Greg Abbott leads Democratic challenger Beto O’Rourke, 52 – 37 percent, according to a Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea-ack) University poll of Texas registered voters released today. Republicans back Abbott 90 – 5 percent, independents back Abbott 47 – 37 percent, and Democrats back O’Rourke 87 – 6 percent.

A majority of voters, 54 percent, say O’Rourke is too liberal, 3 percent say he is too conservative, and 35 percent say he is about right.

Forty-one percent of voters say Abbott is too conservative while 6 percent say he is too liberal, and 49 percent say he is about right.


On personal traits, Beto is seen as dishonest by a margin of 6 points. This will matter as Beto starts his switcheroo on guns and claims he only wants to take “weapons of war” and not all guns.

O’Rourke gets much lower marks for his personal traits, as voters say:

45 – 39 percent that he is not honest;

45 percent that he cares about average Texans and 44 percent that he does not;

49 – 37 percent that he does not have good leadership skills.

On the issues, Abbott beats Beto squarely on every issue:


Voters were asked who would do a better job handling six issues…

the economy: 60 percent say Abbott, while 32 percent say O’Rourke;

gun policy: 60 percent say Abbott, while 33 percent say O’Rourke;

the situation at the Mexican border: 58 percent say Abbott, while 35 percent say O’Rourke;

election laws: 55 percent say Abbott, while 40 percent say O’Rourke;

the response to the coronavirus: 54 percent say Abbott, while 39 percent say O’Rourke;

abortion: 49 percent say Abbott, while 41 percent say O’Rourke.

As for ranking of the above issues by importance, the poll reveals that gun policy is nowhere to be found:


Asked to choose the most urgent issue facing Texas today, the Texas-Mexico border tops the list (33 percent), followed by the economy (11 percent), abortion (9 percent), COVID-19 (8 percent), and election laws (8 percent).


Even among Democrats, guns aren’t a priority.

Among Republicans, 58 percent say the Texas-Mexico border is the most urgent issue, followed by the economy (14 percent), schools (4 percent), and crime (4 percent).

Among Democrats, the most urgent issues are COVID-19 (16 percent), election laws (16 percent), abortion (15 percent), and health care (12 percent).

Among independents, 32 percent rank the Texas-Mexico border as Texas’ most urgent issue, followed by abortion (10 percent), the economy (9 percent), and election laws (9 percent).

The breakdown of issues (See Question 22 in the above link) shows that only 4% of Hispanic Texans think that it’s a priority, with a clear 24% ranking the Texas-Mexico border, 15% ranking the economy, and 12% ranking COVID-19  as the top three priorities. Among the 4% who do think that gun policy is a top priority, it is unclear from the poll whether they want preservation or erosion of Second Amendment rights.

The icing on the cake is Question 27 of the Quinnipiac Poll; it shows that by a whopping 60–32 margin, Hispanic Texans prefer Abbott over Beto on who they think would do a better job handling gun policy.

The good news for the Second Amendment community is that Hispanic-Americans in Texas are strongly supportive of our right to keep and bear arms.

Despite his desperate hispandering, Beto is lagging Texas Gov. Greg Abbott. I hope this poll’s projection is accurate and comes to fruition in next year’s election. And most importantly, I hope that a loss teaches the Democratic Party to ignore or ditch its extremist anti-Second Amendment wing.


Support for the Second Amendment should be bipartisan and unwavering, and I hope that’s what the future bodes.

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Tom Knighton 11:29 AM | January 17, 2025