Go West!

West as a young Army paratrooper.

Republican Allen West was elected to the United States Congress representing Florida’s 22nd district in the Tea Party wave of 2010.  West is the first black Republican Congressmen from Florida since 1876, when Rep. Josiah Walls left office.  He is known as rock star Republican, Tea Party Caucus stalwart and unabashed Constitutionalist.


Congressman West’s down-to-earth, southern charm reigns in supporters of all colors and cultures from both sides of the aisle.  What makes West so unique is that he is unafraid to speak his clever mind and steam rolls ahead without fear of rebuke, promoting conservative principles that often get lost in the business-as-usual attitude that plagues Washington.

Rep. Allen B. West (R.-Fla.)

West is a war hero, with more than 20 years active duty service in the U.S. Army, achieving the rank of lieutenant colonel.  Respect for West in this capacity is unending.

Dr. Richard Berry explains in “A Missing Link in Leadership” the relationship West absorbed among his battalion.  “The love Lt. Col. West displayed as an individual and toward a group is quite obvious…I saw evidence of love transcending the space or relation between individuals and identified a genuine love Lt. Col. West had for an institution – the U.S. Army, and his organization – Lt. Col. West’s battalion.”

Indeed, West is a man of honor and humility, referring to his battalion as counterparts not subordinates.  “I loved my men and their protection was always my greatest consideration. We would always accomplish our assigned mission but never would I unnecessarily risk their lives, and if it called for that, then I would be there as well.”

After serving our country so well, West would go on to serve his community as a high school teacher in Florida, and serving our nation mentoring Afghanistan officers as a government contractor.  West gave us one good term as a congressman, and now he is requesting a second term from his constituents in the November election.  How does anyone say no to a proven American hero?

West as a young Army paratrooper lieutenant..

I met Allen West in 2008 while organizing a “Go West” fundraiser hosted by the New York Young Republican Club in New York City.  Before the event, we sat for a cup of tea at my favorite diner on 34th Street and Third Avenue.  What impressed me the most about Allen was his adoration for the U.S. Constitution, liberty and our mutual love for America.

When we disagreed on a topic, Allen heard me out, and was open to discussion.  That is the making of a good politician.  After all, politics is the art of communication, and communication is a skill most politicians ignore, but not Allen West.

Over the years, even while his ascendency into the public eye grew, Allen has kept in touch with me.  He didn’t forget the little people that supported him from Day One.  So, I caught up with Congressman West at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, and asked him some questions regarding the Second Amendment, the Constitution, and his views on the upcoming November election.

He says our biggest threat as Second Amendment enthusiasts is the encroachment of the United Nations on our liberties via the proposed UN Gun Treaty.  The globalists are working day and night to infringe upon our constitutional government.  Electing pro-Constitution candidates in the U.S. Senate is imperative for maintaining our Republic.

“Given the opportunity, Sen. Harry Reid and others will agree to a Treaty that is antithetical to our system of rights and the right of the individual to keep and bear arms,” he said.


“We are stuck in a spot that is deteriorating.  The federal government’s operating roles have shifted, and must be repositioned to follow the Constitution.  We need to be where it should be, acting in conformity with the principles of our Founding Fathers,” the former battalion commander said.

“Gun bans are not working.  Look at Chicago, Ill., where a gun ban is in effect, the murder rate is sky high.  People kill people, not guns,” he said.

I can not think of any other politician I like more than Congressmen Allen West.  Go West!

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