NYS GOP lawmakers rail against rush gun ban

Crowd rallies at the Jan. 19 Gun Appreciation Day in Albany, N.Y

New York State legislators told Human Events Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s hurried gun control bill, the New York Safe Act, signed on Jan. 15, is unconstitutional and an abuse of government power for political purposes.


“Bypassing the normal three-day review period, the governor rushed through an unconstitutional bill because he needs to position himself for a Democrat presidential primary in 2016,” said freshman Assemblyman Kieran Michael Lalor (R-Fishkill), a Marine Corps veteran.

The governor was pandering to the far left and wanted to pass his gun control law before the White House, Congress and Maryland Democrat Gov. Martin O’Malley, said the Pace University Law School graduate.

“This political game is disappointing to the many New Yorkers who saw Cuomo spend two years working on bi-partisan solutions,” he said.

“Now it looks like the governor’s focus is on the White House,” he said.

Assemblyman Steven F. McLaughlin (R.- Melrose) said, “Cuomo promised to be the most transparent governor in New York history, yet by utilizing the ‘Message of Necessity’ loophole, he was able to advance a bill that had zero public, technical, scientific, expert or legislative input.”

Watch Assemblyman Steven F. McLaughlin Part 1 of 2

The governor rushed the bill to lawmakers, he said.

“The leadership did not even have the courtesy to give us a copy of the bill for review until the last minute,” the former commercial airline pilot said.

“I had to keep looking at my Twitter feed to figure out what was happening,” he said.


Watch Assemblyman Steven F. McLaughlin Part 2 of 2

“This was the first day back in session after the holidays.  There was no bill language available.  All we had to rely on were Albany-filled rumors,” he said.

“We finally received a copy of the bill at approximately 11:30 p.m. on Jan. 14, however the majority advised us that we would not be going back into session,” McLaughlin said.

“The Republican-controlled Senate had already passed the bill 43 to 18 at approximately 11:30 p.m.,” he said.

“The assembly had about five hours of debate the next day.  The vote’s cast at 103 to 43 was mostly along party lines, with five Republican voting for it,” he said.

“The governor had a signing ceremony within 10 minutes,” he said.

“The bill would not have passed had voters been given the chance to review it. Albany’s‘four men in a room’ knew that, so they rushed the law through to avoid public scrutiny,” Lalor said.

Upstate New York’s “gun country” had no input, he said.

The ‘four men in a room’ include Governor Cuomo, Assembly Speaker Sheldon “Shelly” Silver (D–Manhattan), Senate Majority Leader Dean G. Skelos (R–Rockville Center), and Senate co-Leader Jeffrey D. Klein (D-Bronx).

“Fifty-seven sections of the law were amended. Why are we rushing things?” McLaughlin asked.“It’s like cooking a meal for only half the time needed.”


“The bill is extremely flawed and error-riddled. It will do nothing to make New York safer, while doing much to endanger the safety of law-abiding citizens,” he said.

Lalor, a former school teacher said, “Voters want Albany to make our schools safer, but this law will do little for school safety.  In fact, school safety has been passed off to a blue ribbon panel meeting sometime in the future. The governor and the legislature should be discussing school safety initiatives right now, not passing them off to another group.”

“I am proud to have cast my vote against this law and I will continue to fight for the Second Amendment in Albany,” he said.

“No one in the assembly chamber, the senate chamber or on any floor of the capitol is worthy of shining the boots of our founding fathers, yet they arrogantly think they can trample on the Constitution. This bill is an all-out attack on the Constitutional rights of American citizens,” said McLaughlin, who like Lalor, is affiliated with the state’s Conservative Party and the Independence Party.

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