RMGO fights Colorado legislators' gun magazine restrictions

The Colorado House considers full repeal measure this week of a 2013 rushed gun control law that regulates the sale of magazines for ammunition rounds.

“House Democrats and the governor have the opportunity to respect the majority of the people in Colorado and do the right thing and repeal this ineffective piece of legislation,” said state Rep. Chris Holbert (R. – Parker) sponsor of a bill that would repeal the law that limits magazine sales to no more than 15 rounds.


State representatives in the House will hear testimony on Monday from hundreds of Coloradans who did not have the opportunity to express their opposition to the magazine restriction bill that was signed into law by Governor John W. Hickenlooper, Jr., in March, he said.

“I am encouraging the House and Senate to recognize they have an opportunity to do something smart; admit that they were wrong last year and allow the citizens of Colorado the option to purchase a box that holds more than 15 rounds.”

People were frustrated that they did not get a chance to be heard the first time around, and when they were heard, they were ignored, said Holbert. “It is that frustration that led to the recall of two sitting Democrat senators John Morse and Angela Giron who supported the measure.”

A recall election is a procedure by which voters can remove an elected official from office through a direct vote before his or her term has ended.

“There are 35 members in the state senate,” said Holbert.

Last year there were 20 Democrats and 15 Republicans at the time of the vote, he said. “All 15 Republicans and two Democrats voted against the magazine limit, leaving 18 ‘yes’ for the limit and 17 ‘no’ votes.”

With the recall efforts the senate is now comprised of an 18-Senate majority and 45 co-sponsors in the full legislature for the repeal measure, he said. “The state needs leadership from our governor who should have vetoed this bill last year.”


Some people are permitted to purchase ammunition above 15 rounds and some are not, he said. “Unless I work for the government in the capacity of law enforcement or the military, I cannot purchase items from the display table of magazines that fits more than 15 rounds.”

Being a private citizen should not be a prohibitive factor for purchase of ammunition, said Holbert, who enjoys shooting and hunting together with his wife and two sons. “I promised voters in 2010 that I would not compromise on the Second Amendment. I believe the Second Amendment is our defense against tyranny.”

Gun rights groups have been organizing since the law passed last year and other concerned citizens are reacting.

In May, 54 Colorado sheriffs, retired law enforcement, licensed firearms dealers and other concerned citizens filed a complaint in federal court against the governor claiming violations of the 2nd and 14th amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

“Coloradans have seen their Second Amendment rights breached like never before,” said Danielle Thompson official spokesperson for Rocky Mountain Gun Owners, a Colorado gun rights organization.

Despite overwhelming opposition, three anti-gun measures were signed into law last year by Hickenlooper, she said.

“RMGO informed and mobilized gun owners throughout Colorado to the threat to their gun rights. State legislators were flooded with emails, faxes and phone calls by constituents urging their legislator to not sign these unconstitutional bills into law.”


Rocky Mountain Gun Owners is a state-based gun lobby, with hundreds of thousands of members and supporters, and solely dedicated to the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, she said.

RMGO joined in the recall efforts of three state senators who ignored their constituents’ wishes and forced these anti-gun measures down their throats, said Thompson.  “All three recall efforts were a success, ousting two State Senators from office, including the Senate President, and forcing the third to resign from the pressure.”

The organization political action committee is focusing much of their efforts on the November 2014 election, she said.  “We are working on flipping majorities in both chambers, and lifting these oppressive laws from the public.”

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