Winning the Anti-Gun Argument

"When You Get Blindsided By An Anti-Gunner, Will You Be Able To Turn The Tables And Win The Argument?"

Have you ever had one of those awful arguments that left you feeling helpless and demoralized?


Have you ever argued about the 2nd Amendment and your right to protect yourself and your family with firearms?

Whether you’ve ever been assaulted by an anti-gunner or not, it’s safe to say that you will experience it sometime in your life.

I’ve personally dealt with anti-gun family and friends, and let me tell you – I used to have a VERY hard time arguing about my belief in gun ownership, let alone carrying one!

But that has changed. I’ve educated myself and am now able to effectively debate anti-gunners. And when I say "Win" arguments, what I really mean is open their minds to the idea that owning firearms and carrying concealed isn’t such a bad thing.

I have some really cool videos in store for you today, but before you head over to watch those, I want to give you some very specific examples of how to effectively debate anti-gunners.

Let’s dive in!

1. The first thing you can do is use the element of surprise to knock them off of their attack. I consider this to be "Mind Reading." I know that sounds crazy, but let me explain:
You simply say something that most anti-gun advocates think, and that you sort of agree with. It doesn’t have to be something deep. In fact, you can twist something that they say into something that you do believe in. For example, you could say:


"I believe there should be more gun control."

To which they will reply, "Really?" or "Huh???"

The very moment that you see their eyebrows raise in slight disbelief, you are handling and overcoming one of the biggest stereotypes about people who carry concealed. That stereotype is that everyone who carries a concealed firearm, thinks that there should be no gun control or regulations period.

Now, in response to their "Huh???" you will repeat:

"I personally think that we don’t have enough gun control… There should be more of an effort made to stop all of the illegal guns and arms dealing."

By clarifying your original response this way, you are not lying, and the anti-gunner feels like he or she is NOT getting attacked.

Now the next step is going to seem crazy, yet again, but please stay with me!

2. Open up. This almost sounds as strange as ‘Mind Reading,’ but let me explain why this is so important. When you are the first to do this, it makes you appear vulnerable for a moment. That is key because you want to express a hint of emotion, but just a hint. For example, you might say:

"I don’t know about you, but I love my wife more than anything. I never thought that I could love anyone so much. She means the world to me and I would happily die for her without thinking twice."


Let’s review that for a moment. You didn’t say anything about the person who is attacking you at all. You merely told them that, “I want to tell you how I feel about something I really care about.”

You are using “I” and “me” instead of “you” in the statement. This is called using the “I” Perspective. Most people, subconsciously use the “You” Perspective when they are opening up about how they feel on a subject.

Using the “I” Perspective, you opened yourself up first. You allowed yourself to become vulnerable (at least in their mind). Now if they were to respond with something like, “I think that’s the stupidest thing I ever heard!" then maybe this is the type of person that simply won’t listen to reason.

But the fact is that they are MUCH more likely to accept you and open up to you if you do so first. When you do this, it shows that you trust and accept them. This way, when they decide to open up and trust you, the emotional risk will be smaller for them.

3. Show them that you respect them. This is probably the most difficult step yet, but it is also the most effective:

“You know, most people don’t have the courage to say something when they think it. It’s hard to find that honest and outspoken quality in people, and I respect you for that…”


Wow, that’s a tough one to argue with, huh? Their guard is down, and they are now MUCH more likely to receive whatever it is that you have to say.

What I’m demonstrating to you is that "winning" this argument really means winning the person over. It’s more about making a connection with this person than simply proving him or her wrong. When you actually connect to people, you have a chance to really change their way of thinking.

I hope these easy-to-remember steps will truly help you in your quest to "win" debates with anti-gunners.

Click here to see a video series that features professionally recorded audio from the book "How To Win The Top 17 Anti-Gun Arguments"

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