State by State Breakdown of Current Gun Control Legislation

We’re examining every state legislature to see how the battle over gun control is going. Take a look below!

State Legislature

   All state legislatures started new legislative sessions in 2013 except for New Jersey. Forty-two state legislatures had adjourned by July 15, 2013.



The Alaska legislature has adjourned. HB-24, a no duty to retreat bill that expands where Alaskans do not have to retreat before using deadly force, was signed on June 20 by Gov. Sean Parnell.


The following bills have passed their originating chambers and are under consideration in the second House: AB-48, prohibiting modifications that allowed gun owners to swiftly reload their firearms, has passed the Senate Public Safety Committee and is before the Senate Appropriations Committee. AB-169, banning the sale of all handguns that are not on the “safe” handgun roster list, was moved to the suspense file of the Senate Appropriations Committee, it will not be brought up until August at the earliest. SB-53, requiring all purchasers of ammunition to get a permit including a background check and pay a fee, and SB-293, requiring biometric technology on all guns purchased in CA, passed the Assembly Public Safety Committee and are before the Assembly Appropriations Committee. SB-755, adding to the list of firearms-prohibited persons those who have been convicted of additional drug and alcohol offenses, failed its first vote in the Assembly Public Safety Committee on July 2.

The Senate passed the following anti-gun bills: SB-47, prohibiting modifications that allowed gun owners to swiftly reload their firearms; SB-299, requiring gun owners to notify law enforcement within 48 hours if a gun is stolen or lost; SB-374, prohibiting semi-automatic rifles that accept detachable magazines; SB-396, bans magazines with over 10 rounds including currently owned magazines; SB-567, adding to the definition of already banned shotguns to include a shotgun-rifle combination; and SB-683, requiring a firearms safety certificate for rifle purchases.

The Assembly has passed: AB-170 changes current law that allows organizations, including corporations and other associations, to have permits for assault weapons and machine guns to allowing only individuals to own such firearms; AB-231 that would expand the Criminal Storage of Firearms and child access law; AB-232, a gun buyback credit up to $1000; AB-539, persons who are temporarily prohibited from owning firearms can store them with an FFL; andAB-711, to ban the taking of wildlife with lead ammunition.


The following anti-gun bills have failed: AB-187AB-239, AB-1020 and AB-1296.

San Francisco Board of Supervisors passed a ban on the sale and possession of certain ammunition and requiring the reporting of ammunition sales of 500 or more rounds. The NRA has challenged the ban and oral arguments are set for the summertime before the United States Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit.


The Colorado legislature has adjourned. Colorado’s restrictive firearms’ laws are now in effect.

Colorado sheriffs filed a federal lawsuit challenging Colorado’s new firearms laws on May 17.


The Connecticut legislature has adjourned. The new gun law has been challenged in federal court. It has been reported that the State Police will no longer assist manufacturers in designing firearms within the parameters of the new law.

District of Columbia

The DC City council always ready to impose draconian restrictions on gun owners is working on a bill to require gun owners to carry $250,000 liability insurance. According to WNEW Mayor Vincent Gray is not supporting the legislation at this time.


The Delaware legislature has adjourned. Gov. Jack Markell (D) signed SB-16, a bill to require owners of lost or stolen firearms to report the loss within 48 hours on June 12. The law became effective upon the governor’s signature. HB-35, a bill criminalizing all private transfers of firearms without universal background checks, has passed both Houses of the Legislature and Gov. Markell (D) signed it on May 8.


   The Florida legislature has adjourned. HB-1355, sending the names of persons already in a mental institution under a Baker Act petition who have been diagnosed as dangerous to themselves and/or others to NICS, was signed by Gov. Rick Scott. The Republican stated, “Mental health and second amendment advocates worked together to produce this bill that does not affect persons voluntarily seeking mental health exams or treatments but rather closes a loophole in current law that could potentially put firearms in the hands of dangerous, mentally ill individuals who are a threat to themselves or others as determined by a court.”


The Hawaii legislature has adjourned. SB-69, requiring those wishing to register a firearm from out-of-state to go through a background check has passed both Houses and a conference committee and has been signed by Gov. Neil Abercrombie.



The Illinois legislature has adjourned. The decision in the court cases Moore v. Madigan andShepard v. Madigan required the Illinois legislature to pass a “shall issue” Right-to-Carry bill.HB-183, a concealed carry bill with many onerous restrictions, has passed the Legislature and was vetoed by Gov. Pat Quinn (D) on July 3. Quinn’s veto included amendments that would further restrict the carrying of firearms. The legislature on July 9 voted to override the governor’s veto, so Illinois at last joins all other states in having legal concealed carry.


The Kansas legislature has adjourned. Gov. Brownback has signed SB-21, a Right-to-Carry reform bill, HB-2052, allowing citizens to carry concealed handguns in a public building that “does not provide adequate security,” and HB-2199, upholding the Second Amendment against federal intrusion. On May 31, 2013 Brownback also signed SB-45, prohibiting tax dollars to be spent lobbying against legal products.


   The Louisiana legislature has adjourned. Gov. Bobby Jindal signed HB-265, allowing for lifetime concealed-carry permits. On June 19 Jindal held a signing ceremony at TP Outdoor’s store in West Monroe, LA, where he signed six bills. The bills signed were SB-178, providing voter registration forms at firearms retailers; SB-135, having any citizen who loses the right to own firearms reported to the NICS; HB-6, allowing off-duty police officers to carry firearms on school campuses; HB-8, further limiting information on Right-to-Carry permittees; HB-98, allowing reciprocity agreements between sheriffs regarding Right-to-Carry permits; and HB-717, requiring increased reporting of mental health records to NICS.


The Maine legislature has adjourned. Gov. LePage vetoed LD-1240, creating civil penalties if a person sells a firearm without a background check to a prohibited person, and the House failed to override the veto. Gov. LePage signed LD-345, a bill to keep information concerning concealed carry applicants and permittees confidential. LD-997, limiting magazine capacity to 10 rounds, failed by one vote in the Maine House.


The Maryland legislature has adjourned. Gov. Martin O’Malley (D) has signed SB-281, that includes bans on semi-automatic rifles, registration of “regulated firearms” before Nov. 1, 2013, magazine capacity restrictions, and a state license to purchase a handgun.



Gov. Deval Patrick (D) has introduced HB-47. In a state with some of the most restrictive gun laws, his proposals are draconian. Magazine capacity to be limited to 7 rounds and all magazines with 10 or more round capacity must be sold or disposed of, one firearm per month purchase limit, and a required background check and fee for private transfers. The AP reported that over 60 gun bills have been introduced and a series of hearings on these proposals will be heard across the state. The hearings are expected to continue throughout the summer.


On May 8, Gov. Rick Snyder signed a law blocking a statewide vote on a 2012 law that allows wolf hunting in Michigan. The Senate Judiciary Committee voted 4-0 to send SB-49 to the full Senate for a vote. This bill keeps personal information of permit-to-purchase applicants confidential and exempt from Freedom of Information Act requests. The elimination of concealed weapons boards has again been introduced as SB-0213. SB-288, a bill that could stop an anti-hunting group’s effort to ban the hunting of wolves, passed the Senate and is now before the House Committee on Natural Resources. On May 9 Democrat Reps Jim Townsend, Vicki Barnett and Andy Schor announced the introduction of several anti-gun bills: HB-4774, requiring a license to purchase, carry, possess or transport firearms; HB-4775, changing some firearms crimes to felonies; and HB-4776, changing Michigan laws regarding pistols into firearms laws. All three bills are currently in the House Judiciary Committee.


   The Missouri legislature has adjourned. Gov. Nixon (D) signed-SB-75, a Right-to-Carry reform bill that includes sanctioning the NRA Eddie Eagle Program for use in schools, SB-62, a “Castle Doctrine” bill and SB-225, the “hunting Heritage Protection Areas Act.” Previously he vetoed HB-436, the Second Amendment Preservation Act, while signing HB-533, allowing state employees to keep firearms in their vehicles on state owned property. A veto override session will be held in September. HB-8, transferring the authority for Right-to-Carry permits from the Missouri Department of Revenue to Missouri Sheriffs, was part of the Budget bill that was signed by Gov. Nixon.


   The Nevada legislature has adjourned. Gov. Sandoval signed SB-76, making a change to Nevada’s Right-to-Carry law so that qualifying with any handgun allows the permittee to carry all handguns. A late amendment to SB-221, a bill mandating background checks for all firearms’ purchase, passed both Houses on a strict party line vote. On June 13, Sandoval vetoed SB-221. His veto message included this paragraph: “Senate Bill 221, while laudable in its efforts to strengthen reporting requirements concerning mentally ill persons, imposes unreasonable burdens and harsh penalties upon law-abiding Nevadans, while doing little to prevent criminals from unlawfully obtaining firearms.”


New Jersey

Gov. Christie vetoed AB-3668, prohibiting the state of New Jersey from investing state pension funds in companies that are involved in the manufacture of so-called assault weapons. The following “gun” bills were sent to Christie in May for his action: SB-2485, disqualifying anyone on a terrorist watch list from obtaining a firearms ID card; AB-3583, establishing an 11 member School Security Task Force; AB-3717, requiring submission of mental health records to NICS;AB-3796, establishes 180-day period for disposal of an illegal weapon; and AB-3797, reporting of firearms trafficking crimes. In June the General Assembly passed more gun bills and sent them to Christie: SB-2804, upgrade and increase penalties for unlawful possession of a firearm; SB-1279, increasing penalty for giving a gun to a minor; SB-2720, the total number of firearms purchase permits are a public record; AB-3788, banning the sale of .50 caliber rifles; and SB-2468, allowing police to impound cars where any occupant has an illegal firearm.

SB-2719, increasing penalties for dealers who sell to non-qualified persons, and SB-2723, Senate President Sweeney’s omnibus bill including waiting periods for handgun purchases, bans all private sales, creates an ammunition registry and long gun registry, and changes the Firearms Owner ID card system, passed both Houses and are on their way to the Governor.SB-2725, making the possession of an air gun a third degree crime, passed the Senate but has not passed the Assembly.

New York

A complaint has been filed by the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association challenging the SAFE act in the United States District Court for Western New York. It has been alleged by many Sheriffs that Gov. Cuomo told them in a meeting to stop discussing their objections to the SAFE act.

In Long Island the SuffolkCounty legislature passed a measure that would remove handguns from psychiatric patients.

North Carolina

SB-443, a bill to allow the sale of firearms received by law enforcement rather than destroying firearms, was signed into law on June 19 by Gov. Pat McCrory. HB-937, a Right-to-Carry reform bill, passed the House, but was amended in the Senate to add new reforms including repealing the permit to purchase a handgun, allowing Right-to-Carry (RTC) permittees to transport and store handguns in their vehicles on school property, keeping RTC lists confidential and allowing the use of suppressors while hunting. The bill now returns to the House for concurrence and the North Carolina Sheriffs’ Assoc. is openly working against the part of the bill that repeals the permit to purchase requirement. HB-17, making information of holders of Right-to-Carry permits accessible only to the police and allowing RTC holders to carry into establishments that serve alcohol has passed the House, S-201, allowing suppressors to be used for hunting, has passed the Senate. HB-714, prohibiting law enforcement officers from destroying fully operational firearms passed the House by a vote of 91-22. HB-49 would allow employees to keep their firearms in their locked vehicle when parked on the employer’s property.



   The Oregon legislature has adjourned.


Attorney General Kathleen Kane (D), who ran on a platform of stopping Pennsylvanians from using Florida concealed carry permits, is modifying the Pennsylvania-Florida reciprocity agreement so that only Florida permits of Florida residents will be recognized. The modification went into effect on June 8. The following anti-gun measures have been introduced: HB-239,complete firearms registration of all firearms; HB-518, repeals Castle Doctrine self defense measure passed in 2011; HB-1010, requiring background checks, is being supported by a group of Democrats including AG Kane; and SB-191, implementing one-gun-a-month limit on purchases. SB-876, firearms preemption legislation, was introduced in mid-April. All bills have been referred to their respective Judiciary Committees.

South Carolina

The South Carolina legislature has adjourned. On June 27, HB-4494, a comprehensive rewrite of South Carolina gun laws, passed both houses of the legislature, after it appeared to be dead at the end of the legislative session. However, it was included in the adjournment resolution and was voted upon favorably in both legislative branches. It is expected that Gov. Nikki Haley will sign the bill.


The Texas legislature adjourned its regular session on May 27. On June 14 Gov. Perry vetoedSB-17, allowing certain teachers to carry a concealed handgun on school premises.


The Vermont legislature adjourned on May 15. On June 14 Gov. Peter Shumlin (D) signed HB-101, allowing Vermont hunters to carry a handgun while bow hunting or dog training. Anti-gun bills HB-124 and HB-125 died in committee.


Although the Washington Legislature adjourned on April 28 with no anti-gun legislation passing, Gov. Jay Inslee (D) has had to call two special sessions to get a budget by July 1. Seattle venture capitalist, Nick Hanauer, is reportedly bankrolling the effort by the Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility to begin the process for an initiative proposal for universal background checks. The group must get 246,000 signatures on a petition by Jan. 3, 2014.


   AB-194, a bill to allow the use of crossbows during hunting season, has passed the Assembly unanimously and was referred to the Committee on Natural Resources in the Senate.


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