Canada Bans Not Just "Assault Rifles," But Shotguns, Websites


Politicians like to pounce on tragedies as a prime opportunity to push through their agenda. This is especially true of anti-gun politicians following mass shootings.


However, the problem is that many times these politicians don’t have a clue what they’re doing. They’re trying to legislate things they don’t understand and what happens is…well, it’s really rather spectacular in its stupidity.

You see, Canada has managed to ban 12- and 10-gauge shotguns.

Two Canadian firearms groups are warning that up to 2 million commonly-used hunting rifles are now illegal.

The Canadian Sporting Arms and Ammunition Association (CSAAA) and the Canadian Shooting Sports Association (CSSA) said their legal experts have concluded Public Safety Minister Bill Blair “banned almost every modern 12-gauge and 10-gauge shotgun in Canada with removable chokes because they exceed the maximum bore diameter of 20 mm.”

Two Canadian firearms groups are warning that up to 2 million commonly-used hunting rifles are now illegal.

The Canadian Sporting Arms and Ammunition Association (CSAAA) and the Canadian Shooting Sports Association (CSSA) said their legal experts have concluded Public Safety Minister Bill Blair “banned almost every modern 12-gauge and 10-gauge shotgun in Canada with removable chokes because they exceed the maximum bore diameter of 20 mm.”

“Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Minister Bill Blair looked Canadian gun owners in the eye last Friday and said they would not take guns suitable for hunting away from us,” the groups said in a statement.

“Minister Blair is either too inept to comprehend the scope of his regulations…or he lied to the Government and Canadians.”

The groups estimated there are between 1.5 – 2 million of these common hunting firearms in Canada.

“As well, many large bore hunting rifles – some more than 100 years old and valued at more than $100,000 have become prohibited. None of these firearms are semi-automatic or “military style.”


Well, that’s just special as hell, ain’t it?

I’d love to tell you that this is the extent of the Canadian government’s stupidity, but it’s not. Not at all.

You see, they also managed to ban AR15.Com.

Or at least receivers. [Editor’s Note]

**It appears the ban is actually on lower receivers, not on the website itself.** 

But then again, these are the turdnuggets who managed to ban countless shotguns. It’s important to remember that shotguns are still primarily a sporting firearm. While they can be useful for self-defense, they’re predominantly used for hunting. In fact, they’re pretty much the most versatile hunting weapon around if you know what you’re doing with them.

And yet, many of these may well be considered illegal because people who don’t know jack about guns decided to create laws about how to regulate a thing they don’t understand.

It would be downright hilarious if so many law-abiding Canadians weren’t being screwed over by their government right now.

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