Gun Ownership Increasing Among This Group In Chicago

Chicago has always had a reputation for violence. After all, it was the home of Al Capone and The Untouchables. A reputation like that isn’t easy to shake. It’s even harder to shake when violence in the Windy City is sky high and there’s little to nothing that can be done to stem the tide.


However, despite their city’s best efforts to keep them unarmed, one unlikely group of people in Chicago are taking up the Second Amendment cause…and a bit of firepower. Black women.

As The Truth About Guns reports:

With Chicago nudging 500 homicides for the year, locals have plenty of reasons to tool up. Increasingly, the law-abiding there are choosing to wander off Mayor Rahm’s gun control plantation. Instead of blaming guns for the city’s violence, these people are buying guns to protect themselves and their loved ones. What’s more, the numbers of African-American women applying for carry licenses has exploded.

It should come as no surprise. Five years ago, less than one-third of African-American families took a positive view of gun ownership. Today, nearly 60% not only recognize the benefits of gunownership, but consider it a “necessity” according to the New York Times report of a Pew study. Nationally, the numbers of African-American women seeking concealed carry licenses nationwide has grown sharply.

Liberals see this information and probably chuckle to themselves. After all, they’re convinced that gun owners want to see all minorities disarmed, to keep our Second Amendment rights for white men.

Unfortunately for them, they’re wrong.

This is welcome news. The reality is that everyone is concerned about violent crime, but unlike Shannon Watts, Michael Bloomberg, and the rest of the Brady Bunch, we understand that the best way to combat violence is by deterring it from ever happening. Violent criminals aren’t deterred by the possibility of prison time either. No, they’re deterred by the fear of being shot.


If you live in a violent city, owning a firearm should be a necessity. You definitely need to be armed so that you can protect you and yours from people who think your life doesn’t matter.

Unlike gun-grabbing liberals, we understand this. We recognize that while the police may sincerely want to protect you, they can’t. There are just too many people for the police department to protect everyone. That means the onus is on you to protect yourself.

It sounds like the African-American community in Chicago has grasped that fact, and I welcome them into the fold of gun owners. They’re a welcome addition to the ranks of the Second Amendment. I only want to remind them that any effort to disarm any of us will invariably become an effort to disarm all of us.

I only want to remind them that any effort to disarm any of us will invariably become an effort to disarm all of us. You may not own a so-called “assault rifle”, but any successful effort to ban those will eventually trickle down to attempts to ban other weapons, perhaps the kind you own

You may not own a so-called “assault rifle”, but any successful effort to ban those will eventually trickle down to attempts to ban other weapons, perhaps the kind you own. Maybe it’ll be semi-automatic handguns, maybe the attempt to ban “Saturday Night Specials” will be returned from the grave via political necromancy, it doesn’t matter. They’ll never stop with one thing, and that means we all have to stand together as gun owners and refuse to give an inch.


The gun control crowd this we’re nothing but a bunch of racists. I’ll tell you this, though. We’re not the ones who spent years telling the black community that guns were the problem while doing absolutely nothing else to combat violence. We’re not the ones who spent millions to keep laws in place that disarmed victims.

No, we’re the ones who fought for gun rights in legal cases to allow citizens to arm themselves in Washington D.C. and Chicago.

Not a soul here wants to keep anyone on any political plantation. Go, arm yourselves, learn to be safe with your weapons, and enjoy.


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Tom Knighton 4:29 PM | February 06, 2025