Lawmakers Seek To Close The 'Bump Stock Loophole' With New Bill

Clark Aposhian, chairman of the Utah Shooting Sports Council, demonstrates how a little-known device called a "bump stock" is attached to a semi-automatic rifle at the Gun Vault store and shooting range Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2017, in South Jordan, Utah. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer)

Ever since the Las Vegas tragedy, bump stocks have been in the crosshairs. Bills in both the House and the Senate have been proposed to deal with bump stocks following their use to killing 58 people at a country music festival. Unfortunately, those bills are far too broad and would also ban trigger modifications.


Now, there’s a new bipartisan bill that seeks to close what some are calling the “bump stock loophole.”

Lawmakers introduced legislation this week that would add bump stocks and similar accessories to the National Firearms Act.

Known as the “Closing the Bump-Stock Loophole Act,” the bill would give the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) the power to regulate “a reciprocating stock, or any other device which is designed to accelerate substantially the rate of fire of a semiautomatic weapon” under the NFA.

In other words, purchasers of bump stocks would have to jump through all those annoying NFA hoops: registration, fingerprinting, background check, $200 tax stamp.  Current owners of bump stocks would have one year from the bill’s enactment to do the same.

The “Closing the Bump-Stock Loophole Act” is the brainchild of Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), Congressman Dan Kildee (D-MI), Congresswoman Dina Titus (D-NV) and Congressman Dave Trott (R-MI).

At this time, there’s no word on the NRA’s position on this bill, though they’ve already stated their opposition to Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s bill.


However, I already know the opinions of many in the gun community on this or any other regulation. Not another inch.

Time and time again, gun owners have compromised on the Second Amendment. We’ve whittled away our rights in the name of compromise for decades, all so we could be seen as reasonable.

The problem is when you start with a whole cake, and “compromise” it until you only have a slice, you’re the only one being reasonable.

These Republican congressmen aren’t acting like Republican congressmen. Fitzpatrick doesn’t have the strongest pro-gun record out there, but Trott had pretty solid 2A credentials before he put his name on this bill. That’s troubling, but unfortunately, I can see how it happened.

Whether the NRA realizes it or not, but ostensibly supporting regulations on bump stocks–whether it’s through regulation or legislation–they’ve given cover to ostensibly pro-gun legislators to support new regulations on devices like this. There’s a reason may gun owners are feeling betrayed by the National Rifle Association.

After all, the largest voice for the preservation of our gun rights is voicing support for regulating away our gun rights. How should many gun owners feel?


Yes, bump stocks are controversial, even in Second Amendment circles. Many want them regulated as machine guns while many others refuse to budge on anything else regarding guns. However, for those who don’t want to give up any more ground in the war on guns, it’s hard not to feel like the NRA has sold them out.

Then we get legislation like this, were Republican lawmakers are offering up a bill that will restrict our gun rights once again, and the NRA has provided political cover for them to do just this.

Especially since bump fire won’t be going away, even if this bill passes.


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