Tennessee Lawmakers To Allow Guns Inside New Legislative Office Building

You ever notice that the one place you can almost never carry a firearm are places where you’re elected representatives are? On one hand, that makes some sense. After all, they’re far more likely to be the target of homicidal rage on a daily basis than most of us ever will be.


But on the other hand, it’s like they’re scared of the very people who elected them to office. They want to put barriers in place because they want your vote, but you don’t deserve their trust in return.

In Tennessee, that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Tennesseans will now be allowed to carry guns inside lawmakers’ recently remodeled office building, according to a new policy.

In a joint statement, House Speaker Beth Harwell and Lt. Gov. Randy McNally said Wednesday any Tennessean with a valid gun permit will be allowed to bring their weapons inside the Cordell Hull building.

“Permit holders wishing to carry their firearms into Cordell Hull will be required to present their permit at security,” McNally and Harwell said.

The duo said a “thorough” screening process will be done to ensure those with weapons have a valid permit.

The Tennessee Highway Patrol, who provides the security for the building, said that everyone will have to go through a metal detector, but those with valid permits can keep their guns on their person so long as they’re concealed and holstered the entire time.

I’m quite sure that doesn’t apply to a situation where someone is trying to harm another, though the article doesn’t specify.

For what it’s worth, Tennessee may well make a test case for other states to observe. A year or two down the road, when absolutely nothing had happened, other states may well take on similar policies that will allow individuals who have already been vetted and found to be law-abiding citizens won’t be forced to be disarmed.


Let’s face it, it’s kind of a pain in the butt to go and see lawmakers because you have to either leave your gun in the car, which is a security risk, or you have to leave it at home. That’s a different kind of security risk.

By allowing firearms into the legislative offices, it means people can conduct business with their state legislators as an otherwise normal part of their day.

I’m sorry, but why isn’t this already a thing? I mean, I believe Utah allows similar, but most places don’t allow even permitted guns near their lawmakers, and that’s an issue.

Congratulations to the state of Tennessee for finally showing that you legislators don’t consider your constituents horrible, evil people just looking for an opportunity to shoot you. Either that or you recognized that making your offices off limits wouldn’t actually make you any safer from an angry constituent.

Either way, it’s a win for the people of Tennessee and it may well be a win for people in other states, so good on you none the less.

Now it’s time for other states to pick up their game and show they’re not afraid of the people.


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